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Category Archives: PC Security

Symantec Internet Security Threat Report April 2010

“The Symantec Internet Security Threat Report provides an annual overview and detailed analysis of Internet threat activity, malicious code, and known vulnerabilities. The report also discusses trends in phishing, spam and observed activities on underground economy servers…report sathe ys the U.S. was top country for malicious activity, making up 19% total.” Internet Security Threat Report:… Continue Reading

NIST: Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information

NIST Special Publication 800-122, Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Erika McCallister, Tim Grance, Karen Scarfone, April 2010. “The escalation of security breaches involving personally identifiable information (PII) has contributed to the loss of millions of records over the past few years.… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: IP and Pirated Goods, USPS, Federal Desktop Core Configuration Requirements

Intellectual Property: Observations on Efforts to Quantify the Economic Effects of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods, GAO-10-423, April 12, 2010 U.S. Postal Service: Strategies and Options to Facilitate Progress toward Financial Viability, GAO-10-455, April 12, 2010 Information Security: Agencies Need to Implement Federal Desktop Core Configuration Requirements, GAO-10-202, March 12, 2010 Information Security: Concerted Effort Needed… Continue Reading

Federal Cyber Security Outlook for 2010

“How well prepared are IT professionals within U.S. government agencies to respond to foreign cyber threats? Will government initiatives, such as the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative and the creation of the U.S. National Cybersecurity Coordinator role, be effective in addressing the challenges facing U.S. critical IT infrastructure? What is the impact of compliance on security… Continue Reading

Letter Report for the Committee on Deterring Cyberattacks: Informing Strategies and Developing Options for U.S. Policy

“This report [by the Committee on Deterring Cyberattacks; National Research Council] is the first phase of a larger project to conduct a broad, multidisciplinary examination of deterrence strategies and their possible utility to the U.S. government in its policies toward preventing cyberattacks. This first phase identifies the key issues and questions that merit examination. The… Continue Reading

Brookings Governance Study: Saving Money Through Cloud Computing

Saving Money Through Cloud Computing, Darrell M. West, April 7, 2010: “The U.S. federal government spends nearly $76 billion each year on information technology, and $20 billion of that is devoted to hardware, software, and file servers (Alford and Morton, 2009). Traditionally, computing services have been delivered through desktops or laptops operated by proprietary software.… Continue Reading

Shadows in the Cloud: Investigating Cyber Espionage 2.0

Information Warfare Monitor: “The Information Warfare Monitor/ (Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto and the SecDev Group, Ottawa) and the Shadowserver Foundation announce the release of Shadows in the Cloud: An investigation into cyber espionage 2.0. The report documents a complex ecosystem of cyber espionage that systematically targeted and compromised computer… Continue Reading

Gizmodo: How to Completely Erase Your Hard Drives, SSDs and Thumb Drives

Follow up to postings on security issues and erasing hard drive, from Gizmodoa detailed article with accompanying screen shots and product references: “With stories abounding of identity theft aided by information lifted from discarded storage devices, you want devices you no longer plan to use to have no usable information when they head out the… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Information Security, Joint Strike Fighter, Veterans' Disability Benefits, Recovery Act

Information Security: Concerted Response Needed to Resolve Persistent Weaknesses, GAO-10-536T, March 24, 2010: “Without proper safeguards, federal computer systems are vulnerable to intrusions by individuals who have malicious intentions and can obtain sensitive information. The need for a vigilant approach to information security has been demonstrated by the pervasive and sustained cyber attacks against the… Continue Reading

Cisco 2009 Annual Security Report

Cisco 2009 Annual Security Report Highlighting global security threats and trends: “The Cisco® Annual Security Report provides an overview of the combined security intelligence of the entire Cisco organization. The report encompasses threat information and trends collected between January and December 2009. It also provides a snapshot of the state of security for that period,… Continue Reading