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Category Archives: PC Security

Federal Laws Relating to Cybersecurity: Discussion of Proposed Revisions

CRS – Federal Laws Relating to Cybersecurity: Discussion of Proposed Revisions. Eric A. Fischer, Senior Specialist in Science and Technology, November 9, 2012 “For more than a decade, various experts have expressed increasing concerns about cybersecurity, in light of the growing frequency, impact, and sophistication of attacks on information systems in the United States and… Continue Reading

Trend Micro Commentary on Global Hackers

Trend Micro Incorporated Opinion Piece, September 2012 – Peter the Great Versus Sun Tzu “Due to the competitive nature of the environment, East European hackers create customized malware, often with all capabilities internally hard-coded with no external third-party tools. Trend Micro threat researchers noted that robust anti-debugging techniques and complex command and control (C&C) are… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Privacy Resources and Sites on the Internet

Via, Privacy Resources and Sites on the Internet – Marcus P. Zillman’s guide is a comprehensive listing of both free and low cost privacy resources currently available on the Internet. It includes associations, indexes and search engines, as well as websites and programs that provide the latest technology and information on Web privacy. This… Continue Reading

Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team Report

“The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Control Systems Security Program manages and operates the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) to provide focused operational capabilities for defense of control system environments against emerging cyber threats…This report provides a summary of cyber incidents, onsite deployments, and associated findings from the time ICS-CERT was established… Continue Reading

Check Point Survey Reveals a Generation Gap in Computer Security

News release: “Check Point® Software Technologies Ltd…announced the results of a new ZoneAlarm report revealing differences in the use of computer security between Gen Y and Baby Boomers. The report, The Generation Gap in Computer Security, found that Gen Y is more confident in its security knowledge than Baby Boomers. However, 50 percent of Gen… Continue Reading

Principles for Voluntary Efforts to Reduce the Impact of Botnets in Cyberspace

Industry Botnet Group Principles for Voluntary Efforts to Reduce the Impact of Botnets in Cyberspace “The proliferation of botnets and malware in cyberspace threatens to undermine the efficiencies, innovation, and economic growth of the Internet and diminishes the trust and confidence of online users. Every participant has a role in helping to reduce the impact… Continue Reading

New Internet Security Report Highlights Vulernability of HTTPS Websites

Computer World: “Ninety percent of the Internet’s top 200,000 HTTPS-enabled websites are vulnerable to known types of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) attack, according to a report released Thursday by the Trustworthy Internet Movement (TIM), a nonprofit organization dedicated to solving Internet security, privacy and reliability problems. The report is based on data from a new… Continue Reading

UK Study – ICO report finds many people becoming a 'soft touch' for online fraudsters

News release: “The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is urging consumers to take better care of their data, following an investigation into the trade in used hard drives. The ICO has published new guidance to help individuals securely delete personal information from their old devices. An investigation by the ICO found that one in ten second-hand… Continue Reading

BJS: Identity Theft Reported by Households, 2005-2010

Identity Theft Reported by Households, 2005-2010: “Presents data on the nature of and trends in identity theft victimization among U.S. households from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The NCVS defines identity theft as the misuse or attempted misuse of an existing credit card or another existing account or the misuse of personal information to… Continue Reading