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Category Archives: PC Security

Pew – Majority Views NSA Phone Tracking as Acceptable Anti-terror Tactic

Public Says Investigate Terrorism, Even If It Intrudes on Privacy: “A majority of Americans – 56% – say the National Security Agency’s (NSA) program tracking the telephone records of millions of Americans is an acceptable way for the government to investigate terrorism, though a substantial minority – 41% – say it is unacceptable. And while… Continue Reading

Moving Beyond Passwords: Consumer Attitudes on Online Authentication

Moving Beyond Passwords: Consumer Attitudes on Online Authentication A Study of US, UK and German Consumers, Ponemon Institute, April 2013: “In this study we investigate consumers’ perceptions about how organizations are confirming their identity and determine what they would consider to be the ideal steps and technologies used to ensure their identity is protected.” Continue Reading

Paper – Modeling and Evaluating the Resilience of Peer-to-Peer Botnets

SoK: P2PWNED — Modeling and Evaluating the Resilience of Peer-to-Peer Botnets: Centralized botnets are easy targets for takedown efforts by computer security researchers and law enforcement. Thus, botnet controllers have sought new ways to harden the infrastructures of their botnets. In order to meet this objective, some botnet operators have (re)designed their botnets to use… Continue Reading

Google Resources on Password Security

Google Official Blog: “Knowing how to stay safe and secure online is important, which is why we created our Good to Know site with advice and tips for safe and savvy Internet use. Starting today, we’ll also be posting regularly with privacy and security tips. We hope this information helps you understand the choices and… Continue Reading

EFF – How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication on Twitter (And Everywhere Else)

EFF, Parker Higgins: “Twitter rolled out two-factor authentication last week, joining a growing group of tech companies to support the important security feature. Two-factor authentication can help mitigate the damage of a password breach or phishing attack…Twitter has named its two-factor authentication system “Login Verification,” and its announcement provides a straightforward guide on how and why to use… Continue Reading

The Long and the Short of Household Formation

The Long and the Short of Household Formation, Andrew D. Paciorek, 2013-26. May 10, 2013 “One of the drivers of housing demand is the rate of new household formation, which has been well below trend in recent years, leading to persistent weakness in the housing market. This paper studies the determinants of household formation in… Continue Reading

The History of Cyclical Macroprudential Policy in the United States

The History of Cyclical Macroprudential Policy in the United States, Douglas J. Elliott, Greg Feldberg, and Andreas Lehnert. 2013-29. May 15, 2013 “Since the financial crisis of 2007-2009, policymakers have debated the need for a new toolkit of cyclical “macroprudential” policies to constrain the build-up of risks in financial markets, for example, by dampening credit-fueled… Continue Reading

2013 Data Breach Investigations Report

“Verizon’’s 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) provides truly global insights into the nature of data breaches that can help organizations of all sizes to better understand the threat and take the necessary steps to protect themselves. The breadth and depth of data represented in this year’s DBIR is unprecedented. It combines the efforts of… Continue Reading

New Internet Security Threat Report from Symantec

2013 Internet Security Threat Report – “Key Findings: 42% increase in targeted attacks in 2012. 31% of all targeted attacks aimed at businesses with less than 250 employees. One waterhole attack infected 500 organizations in a single day. 14 zero-day vulnerabilities. 32% of all mobile threats steal information. A single threat infected 600,000 Macs in… Continue Reading

FireEye Advanced Threat Report – 2H 2012

“This report provides a detailed, current look at the nature of advanced threats targeting organizations today. Drawing on data gathered by FireEye® from several thousands of appliances at customer sites around the world, across 89 million events, this report provides an overview of the current threat landscape, evolving advanced persistent threat (APT) tactics, and the… Continue Reading

The 2013 Cybersecurity Executive Order: Overview and Considerations for Congress

CRS – The 2013 Cybersecurity Executive Order: Overview and Considerations for Congress, March 1, 2013 “The federal role in cybersecurity has been a topic of discussion and debate for over a decade. Despite significant legislative efforts in the 112th Congress, no major legislation on this topic has been enacted since the Federal Information Security Management… Continue Reading