Libraries and national security: An historical review Continue Reading
Libraries and national security: An historical review Continue Reading
This represents the text of H.R. 10 as reported by the Committee on the Judiciary. Committee Amendment to H.R. 10, October 1, 2004. (PDF, 625 pages) See also my related posting, September 27, New Draft Legislation Expands on Patriot Act Continue Reading
Reconstructing Electronic Surveillance Law, by Daniel J. Solove. “The USA-Patriot Act made a number of changes in electronic surveillance law, but the most fundamental problems with the law did not begin with the USA-Patriot Act. In this article, Professor Solove argues that electronic surveillance law suffers from significant problems that predate the USA-Patriot Act. The… Continue Reading
In a 120 page decision today, Doe and ACLU v. Ashcroft et al., No. 04-CIV-2614, Judge Victor Marreo, Southern District of New York, “struck down an entire Patriot Act provision that gives the government unchecked authority to issue “National Security Letters” to obtain sensitive customer records from Internet Service Providers and other businesses without judicial… Continue Reading
The 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act (PDF, 335 pages), introduced by House Speaker Hastert on September 24, 2004. Hastert Statement on 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act Related documents – EFF press release, Draft “PATRIOT II” Legislation Goes Too Far and Brookings Briefing- Intelligence Reform in the Wake of the 9/11 Commission Report (PDF, 50 pages) Continue Reading
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary hearing today, “A Review of Counter-Terrorism Legislation and Proposals, including the USA PATRIOT Act and the SAFE Act.” Link to testimony and member statements The SAFE Act (S. 1709), To amend the USA PATRIOT ACT to place reasonable limitations on the use of surveillance and the issuance of search… Continue Reading
From the Washington Post (re’g req’d), U.S. Uses Secret Evidence In Secrecy Fight With ACLU, and the related ACLU press release. See also Record Number of FOIA Requests Received by Federal Gov’t in 2003. Continue Reading
Pitching the Patriot Act – In the ongoing debate over the merits of the anti-terror law, it’s easy to get carried away. Previous postings on Patriot Act Continue Reading
From the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Let the Sun Set on Patriot. Previous posts on Patriot Act. Continue Reading
Today the DOJ released a 29 page report to Congress detailing the manner in which the Patriot Act has been applied in the fight against terrorism. [Link] Report From the Field: The USA PATRIOT Act at Work (PDF) [thanks to Rich Allen] Continue Reading
From Secrecy News (all reports in PDF): Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends, CRS Issue Brief, updated July 6, 2004 The USA Patriot Act Sunset: A Sketch, updated June 10, 2004 USA Patriot Act Sunset: Provisions That Expire on December 31, 2005, updated June 10, 2004 Continue Reading
Statements of Administration Policy (July 7, 2004) H.R. 4754, Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2005 [Link, 3 pages, PDF] “If legislation were presented to the President that includes any provision that forces the courts to allow notice to criminal suspects before a search warrant is executed,… Continue Reading