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Category Archives: Microsoft

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, February 11, 2023

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, February 11, 2023 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and… Continue Reading

Where is ChatGPT taking us?

JHU Hub: “And do we want to follow? Johns Hopkins computer scientist Daniel Khashabi discusses the pros and cons of the revolutionary natural-language processing tool—and predicts where it may head in the future..To those working in artificial intelligence, ChatGPT is not merely an overnight sensation, but a mark of achievement after years of experimentation, says… Continue Reading

The new Bing: Microsoft unveils its ChatGPT-like, AI-powered search engine

Search Engine Land, Barry Schwartz – In addition to adding ChatGPT, using GPT-3.5, Bing is applying AI to improve the relevancy of its core search ranking engine: “Microsoft will launch a new, AI-powered search engine that people can chat with, ask questions, or even use to create content. We learned this today from Yusuf Mehdi,… Continue Reading

The Race to Build a ChatGPT-Powered Search Engine

Wired: “A search bot you converse with could make finding answers easier—if it doesn’t tell fibs. Microsoft, Google, Baidu, and others are working on it…But the way the technology works is in some ways fundamentally at odds with the idea of a search engine that reliably retrieves information found online. There’s plenty of inaccurate information… Continue Reading

Can ChatGPT help me at the office? We put the AI chatbot to the test.

Washington Post: “If ChatGPT, the buzzy new chatbot from Open AI, wrote this story, it would say: “As companies look to streamline their operations and increase productivity, many are turning to artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT to assist their employees in completing tasks. But can workers truly rely on these AI programs to take on… Continue Reading

Four Ways Leaders Can Empower People for How Work Gets Done

Microsoft: “Fraying supply chains. Economic headwinds. Changing expectations around hybrid work. The rapid transformations of the past few years have fundamentally reshaped work and life as we know them. It’s clear that the agility and resilience of every organization rest on a workforce empowered with tools that enable them to work more efficiently and flexibly… Continue Reading

Microsoft and OpenAI working on Chat-GTP powered Bing in Challenge to Google

The Information: “Microsoft could soon get a return on its $1 billion investment in OpenAI, creator of the ChatGPT chatbot, which gives humanlike text answers to questions. Microsoft is preparing to launch a version of its Bing search engine that uses the artificial intelligence behind ChatGPT to answer some search queries rather than just showing… Continue Reading

Windows Has a New Tool for Simultaneously Recording Your Screen and Webcam

Lifehacker: “Don’t bother with antiquated screen recording tools like the Xbox game bar or third-party apps. Windows now has a free tool to simultaneously record both your screen and your webcam. Clipchamp video editor is built right in to the latest version of Windows 11 (2o22 update), though anyone running Windows 10 or newer can… Continue Reading

Google has a secret new project that is teaching artificial intelligence to write and fix code

The Insider – “It could reduce the need for human engineers in the future. Google is working on a secretive project that uses machine learning to train code to write, fix, and update itself. This project is part of a broader push by Google into so-called generative artificial intelligence, which uses algorithms to create images,… Continue Reading

How to Find and Join Groups or Communities on LinkedIn

Make Use Of: “While there are plenty of social platforms out there, LinkedIn is known as a network where professionals are looking for connections. It’s more than just a place where people seek jobs and reach out to industry professionals; it’s a place that cultivates a sense of community. If you’re not utilizing groups and… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cybersecurity issues – October 22, 2022

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cybersecurity issues – October 22, 2022 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and… Continue Reading