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Category Archives: Microsoft

Google Docs versus Microsoft Word: Attorneys blame ‘technical incompatibilities’ for late filing

ZDNet – “…The American legal system runs on deadlines. As one practicing attorney wrote in an official publication for the American Bar Association, “[M]issing any filing deadline is a lawyer’s worst nightmare.” That’s especially true if you’re representing the plaintiffs in an “Emergency Complaint For Expedited Declaratory And Emergency Injunctive Relief” involving the United States… Continue Reading

How U.S. agencies’ trust in untested software opened the door to hackers

Politico – The government doesn’t do much to verify the security of software from private contractors. And that’s how suspected Russian hackers got in: “The massive monthslong hack of agencies across the U.S. government succeeded, in part, because no one was looking in the right place. The federal government conducts only cursory security inspections of… Continue Reading

The SolarWinds cyberattack: The hack, the victims, and what we know

Bleeping Computer: “Since the SolarWinds supply chain attack was disclosed last Sunday, there has been a whirlwind of news, technical details, and analysis released about the hack. Because the amount of information that was released in such a short time is definitely overwhelming, we have published this as a roundup of this week’s SolarWinds news.… Continue Reading

Gmail Will Now Let You Edit Office Documents Directly From Email Attachments

The Verge: “Google is making it even easier to work with Microsoft Office files, with the company now allowing users to directly edit attached Office files in Gmail, much like it already allows with Google Docs or Sheets files. Google Workspace (the recently rebranded G Suite, which encompasses Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet, and Calendar)… Continue Reading

Microsoft Edge gets free 24-hour video calls, screenshot tool, shopping features

VentureBeat: “[On October 8, 2020] Microsoft…announced a slew of new features coming to its Chromium Edge browser. There are PDF improvements, a built-in screenshot tool, support for more themes, and new shopping features in time for the holiday season. But the most notable addition is the one powered by Skype because, for better or for… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Data Discovery from Clinical Records

“Welcome to COVID-19 Data Discovery from Clinical Records – your resource for questions and answers about COVID-19, funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. We use electronic health record (EHR) data from 12 leading medical centers to answer simple and complex clinical questions related to COVID-19. Because we consult multiple centers, we have a… Continue Reading

Microsoft Word’s New Transcribe Feature Could Convince Me to Give Up Google

Gizmodo, Joanna Nelius – “Microsoft just added an extremely useful feature to Word on the web: transcription! Sure, Google Docs and apps like are free and let you type with your voice, like Word’s Dictation feature. However, Word on the web now allows you to upload entire audio files in addition to live transcription,… Continue Reading

Microsoft’s new Transcribe in Word feature is designed for students, reporters, and more

The Verge: “Microsoft is adding an audio transcription feature into Word for the web today. Transcribe in Word will appear in the online version of Word for Microsoft 365 subscribers, providing an easy way to automatically transcribe audio. Microsoft is supporting existing audio files, or even the ability to record conversations directly within Word for… Continue Reading