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Category Archives: Microsoft

Better than the best password: How to use 2FA to improve your security

ZDNET – “You are one data breach away from having your entire online life turned upside down. The problem is passwords, which are hopelessly fragile ways to secure valuable resources. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security by the belief that creating a longer, more complex, harder-to-guess password will somehow make you safer… Continue Reading

How and when to use the Recall feature in Outlook (and other email systems)

Tech Republic – “Outlook’s Recall feature, which ostensibly offers users a way to recall emails they have sent either by mistake, with incorrect or inappropriate information or in the heat of a bad moment, has been around for some time across numerous versions. Its usage was especially common when the “press Ctrl-Enter to send” problem… Continue Reading

Microsoft Teams new feature makes a written record of your meeting

ZDNet – “Microsoft is rolling out its AI-powered live transcription service in Microsoft Teams, answering Zoom’s recent expansion of its own live transcription feature.   Competition remains fierce in the video-meeting market for live transcription functionality. In December, Cisco announced its closed captioning service for Webex; Zoom last month brought live transcription to free accounts,… Continue Reading

The Next Great Disruption Is Hybrid Work—Are We Ready?

Microsoft – “Exclusive research and expert insights into a year of work like no other reveal urgent trends leaders should consider as hybrid work unfolds. We’re on the brink of a disruption as great as last year’s sudden shift to remote work: the move to hybrid work — a blended model where some employees return… Continue Reading

The World’s 2021 Most Innovative Companies

Fast Company – “Business as usual is over. Companies around the globe, in every industry, have spent the past 12 months confronting challenges both practical and existential. Some have failed. Many have simply survived. A select few have flourished, remaking their businesses and illuminating the way forward for others. These are the businesses we’re celebrating… Continue Reading

How to Use Microsoft Outlook as an RSS Feed Reader

HowToGeek: “RSS feeds are great for getting alerted to new articles on your favorite sites. But your personal time shouldn’t be taken up with reading work articles. Split your professional and personal subscriptions by adding work feeds to Microsoft Outlook instead. Managing feeds in Outlook is super easy, although it can only be done in… Continue Reading

America, Your Privacy Settings Are All Wrong

The New York Times Editorial Board – Using an opt-in approach will help curb the excesses of Big Tech. “Despite what corporations profess, much of this personal data is used not to improve products themselves, but to make those products more attractive to advertisers. One straightforward solution is to let people opt in to data… Continue Reading

Microsoft: Chinese Hackers Have Been Exploiting Our Email Product to Steal Data

Gizmodo: “In the latest in a string of security-related headaches for Microsoft, the company warned customers Tuesday that state sponsored hackers from China have been exploiting flaws in one of its widely used email products, Exchange, in order to target American companies for data theft. In several recently published blog posts, the company listed four… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, January 31, 2021

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, January 31, 2021 – Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading