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Category Archives: Medicine

How to Delete Your 23andme Data Amid the Company’s Turmoil

Lifehacker: …What happens when you delete your 23andme data? – Deleting your 23andme data doesn’t necessarily withdraw it from studies, especially since the data was “de-identified,” that is, stripped from your name and personal information. It does mean that your data will not be used in future research projects. 23andme explains their deletion policies here… Continue Reading

NIH Discovery Portal for Women’s Health Research Now Available

Partnering with the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) launched the first phase of a novel discovery resource for women’s health research (WHR), called DiscoverWHR. This innovative resource simplifies the finding of women’s health information by patients, caregivers, medical professionals, researchers, and the public. Users can explore… Continue Reading

States where abortion is legal, banned or under threat

Washington Post [unpaywalled]: “Access to abortion remains a patchwork of state-by-state policies nearly two years after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, with abortion restricted across most of the Southern United States. New restrictions are continuing to take effect, even in states that have long been havens for those seeking abortions. A six-week ban… Continue Reading

Introducing a New Resource – Self-Managed Abortion: The Global Legal Landscape

“Explore legal barriers to accessing self-managed abortion in 35 countries and select U.S. states with this new online tool. Medications like misoprostol and mifepristone offer people a safe, private, and effective way to self-manage their abortion outside a clinical setting during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. And recently, the World Health Organization recognized self-managed… Continue Reading

Toxic chemicals found in food packaging; FDA under pressure to take action

Chicago Tribune: “Evidence is mounting that food packaging and plastic tableware contain toxic chemicals absorbed by humans, a public health risk largely ignored by federal officials charged with protecting the nation’s food supply. During the past week alone, a new study detailed how more than 3,600 chemicals in food-related materials have been detected in people… Continue Reading

Microplastics in the Olfactory Bulb of the Human Brain

Amato-Lourenço LF, Dantas KC, Júnior GR, et al. Microplastics in the Olfactory Bulb of the Human Brain. JAMA Netw Open [full text]. 2024;7(9):e2440018. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.40018. The ubiquity of microplastic (MP) pollution has become a pervasive environmental concern, raising questions about its occurrence within the human body and its harmful effects. While MPs have been detected in… Continue Reading

Your tax dollars are funding a $64 billion scam

Raw Story: “…Medicare Advantage is not Medicare. These plans are private health insurance provided by private corporations, who are then fully reimbursed by the Medicare trust fund regardless of how much their customers use their insurance. Thus, the more they can screw their customers and us taxpayers by withholding healthcare, the more money they make.… Continue Reading

FDA Authorizes Updated Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine

FDA: [August 30, 2024] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for an updated version of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine that more closely targets currently circulating variants to provide better protection against serious consequences of COVID-19, including hospitalization and death. The updated vaccine is authorized for use in individuals 12 years… Continue Reading

U.S. will again offer free at-home Covid tests starting in late September

CNBC: “The Biden administration on Friday said it will resume offering free at-home Covid-19 tests to American households in late September as the virus has gained a stronger foothold in the U.S. this summer. Americans will soon be able to use to request four free tests, administration officials told reporters during a briefing. The… Continue Reading