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Category Archives: Marketing

Review: Own the Map, by Conrad Samm

Via LLRX – Review: Own the Map, by Conrad Samm – Jerry Lawson highly recommends Conrad Saam’s intriguing new book, Own the Map, which encourages lawyers to think about marketing in new and better ways. The author’s primary thesis is that most lawyers should concentrate appealing to potential clients near the lawyer’s location. Saam develops… Continue Reading

Marketing to Internal Clients: How to Engage the “Chair”

Feit Consulting: “With so much uncertainty, one thing is clear: librarians and information specialists will (or should) be ready for it. To be recognized and become a major player in any firm’s changing landscape, one must become a leader in that change. There are many ways to approach this, but this article will address marketing… Continue Reading

Survey of Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Law Practice

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on virtually all segments of the legal profession, prompting a unique opportunity for firms and organizations to reimagine the practice of law, according to a new survey released today by the American Bar Association. Findings from the national survey, “Practicing Law in the Pandemic and Moving Forward,”… Continue Reading

Adding information from your law blog to Wikipedia

Kevin O’Keefe – Lexblog: “via an existing entry or a footnote makes good sense. Contributing to the advancement of the law. Making reliable and credible legal information more accessible to legal professions and the public. Wikipedia appears on page one of Google’s search results forty-six percent of the time. Others are citing legal blogs, and… Continue Reading

How to stop your cell provider from sharing (some of) your data

Mashable: “Smartphones are intimate companions: We cradle them in our hands, and hold them close to our chests. They greet us each morning, and whisper in our ears at night. We tell them our secrets. Unfortunately, when it comes to keeping those secrets, our phones have mixed allegiances.  On Feb. 23, T-Mobile, which completed its… Continue Reading

Ebook Sales Model Brings Together High-Profile Players

Inside Higher Ed – “Seeking sustainable new revenue streams, 16 major university presses have partnered with a for-profit publishing house to sell digital versions of their annual front-list collections. Sixteen major university presses have signed with a Berlin-based scholarly publishing house, De Gruyter, as part of a new initiative to broker ebook sales between presses and… Continue Reading

Review: Dennis Kennedy’s Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law

Via LLRX – Review: Dennis Kennedy’s Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law – Jerry Lawson is a lawyer, speaker, author, advisor and leader in the field of legal technology. If you are looking to get better results from your organization, whether a law firm or other legal organization, Lawson believes you can’t do better than letting… Continue Reading

ABA Issues Cautionary Ethics Guidance On Virtual Law Practices

LawSites: “The American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility today issued a formal ethics opinion providing guidance on virtual law practices. The opinion (Formal Opinion 498) makes clear that the Model Rules of Professional Conduct permit lawyers to conduct their practices virtually, but it urges caution, competence and diligence with regard to… Continue Reading