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Category Archives: Marketing

The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer

“We have studied trust for more than 20 years and believe that it is the ultimate currency in the relationship that all institutions — companies and brands, governments, NGOs and media — build with their stakeholders. Trust defines an organization’s license to operate, lead and succeed. Trust is the foundation that allows an organization to… Continue Reading

What’s in a Name? The Future of Law Firm Library Departments

HBR Consulting: Joanne Kiley | January 21, 2022 – “The American legal profession has had a uniform conception of a law firm’s library department and its role for several generations: great big rooms full of books and periodicals staffed by librarians responsible for making sure the firm had the most important volumes on hand for… Continue Reading

Study IDs Visual Characteristics That Make People ‘Like’ Images on Instagram

NC State: “Marketing researchers have identified the combination of characteristics that make people “like” images on the social media platform Instagram. For example, the visual complexity of images has a significant effect on whether viewers choose to engage with a social media post. “We are increasingly able to determine whether images included in social media… Continue Reading

How to Make Your Own Animated GIFs

The New York Times: “Online ‘visual’ reactions have come a long way since the first sideways smiley-face emoticon appeared four decades ago. Animated GIFs — those files showing a few seconds of choppy motion, like the one of Kermit the Frog flailing his arms excitedly — are ubiquitous in text messages, online forums and chat… Continue Reading

Assessing Heinonline as a Source of Scholarly Impact Metrics

Wallace, Karen L. and Lutkenhaus, Rebecca and Hanson, David B., Assessing Heinonline as a Source of Scholarly Impact Metrics (December 1, 2021). Available at SSRN: or “After the February 2019 U.S. News & World Report announcement of a planned law school scholarly impact ranking based on HeinOnline data, law schools accelerated efforts to… Continue Reading

New Rules for Disputes Involving Online Marketplaces and Individuals

ABA: “The American Arbitration Association has established a new procedure for disputes involving online marketplaces and platforms versus individual users and subscribers…Millions of consumer purchases take place each year. During the pandemic, an increasing number of these transactions have been occurring online. A number of widely used online marketplaces or platforms, such as Airbnb and… Continue Reading

Making Progress in Legal Education: Leadership Development Training in Law Schools

Teague, Leah, Making Progress in Legal Education: Leadership Development Training in Law Schools (May 26, 2021). Baylor Law Review, Vol. 73, No. 1, 2021, Available at SSRN: “This article serves to introduce to articles in the Baylor Law Review Leadership Symposium issue which is the fourth annual leadership symposium connected with the work of… Continue Reading