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Category Archives: Internet

New research shows how many important links on the web get lost to time

The Verge [unpaywalled]: “A quarter of the deep links in The New York Times’ articles are now rotten, leading to completely inaccessible pages, according to a team of researchers from Harvard Law School, who worked with the Times’ digital team. They found that this problem affected over half of the articles containing links in the… Continue Reading

The Year in Pictures – The New York Times

“This year was made up of such extraordinary moments. And Times photographers captured them in extraordinary images. “The Year in Pictures” brings you the most powerful, evocative and history-making of those images — and allows you to see the biggest stories of 2024 through our photographers’ eyes.”   Continue Reading

Introducing QuizBot an Innovative AI-Assisted Assessment in Legal Education

Harrington, Sean, Introducing QuizBot an Innovative AI-Assisted Assessment in Legal Education (October 03, 2024). Available at SSRN: or  –  “This Article explores an innovative approach to assessment in legal education: an AI-assisted quiz system implemented in an AI & the Practice of Law course. The system employs a Socratic method-inspired chatbot to engage… Continue Reading

You Can Now Search the Internet With ChatGPT

Lifehacker – “ChatGPT search has been out now for about a month and a half, following a Halloween announcement from OpenAI. With this new feature, the company finally rolled out an official competitor to AI search engines like Perplexity, Google’s AI Overviews, and Microsoft Bing (powered by Copilot). OpenAI originally announced its search plans back… Continue Reading

How Silicon Valley is disrupting democracy

MIT Technology Review – “Two books explore the price we’ve paid in handing over unprecedented power to Big Tech—and explain why it’s imperative we start taking it back. The internet loves a good neologism, especially if it can capture a purported vibe shift or explain a new trend. In 2013, the columnist Adrian Wooldridge coined… Continue Reading

Beyond Fairness in Computer Vision: A Holistic Approach to Mitigating Harms and Fostering Community-Rooted Computer Vision Research

Timnit Gebru and Remi Denton (2024), “Beyond Fairness in Computer Vision: A Holistic Approach to Mitigating Harms and Fostering Community-Rooted Computer Vision Research”, Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics  and Vision: Vol. 16, No. 3, pp 215–321. DOI: 10.1561/0600000102. “The field of computer vision is now a multi-billion dollar enterprise, with its use in surveillance… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, December 14, 2024

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, December 14, 2024 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on… Continue Reading

Social media needs (dumpster) fire exits

Pluralistic: “Of course you should do everything you can to prevent fires – and also, you should build fire exits, because no matter how hard to you try, stuff burns. That includes social media sites. Social media has its own special form of lock-in: we use social media sites to connect with friends, family members,… Continue Reading

Harvard Is Releasing a Massive Free AI Training Dataset Funded by OpenAI and Microsoft

Wired – “The project’s leader says that allowing everyone to access the collection of public-domain books will help “level the playing field” in the AI industry. Harvard University announced Thursday it’s releasing a high-quality dataset of nearly 1 million public-domain books that could be used by anyone to train large language models and other AI… Continue Reading