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Category Archives: Intellectual Property

Law and Authors: A Legal Handbook for Writers (Introduction)

Lipton, Jacqueline Deborah, Law and Authors: A Legal Handbook for Writers (Introduction) (February 24, 2021). In Law and Authors: A Legal Handbook for Writers, Jacqueline D. Lipton, University of California Press, 2020, U. of Pittsburgh Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2021-06, Available at SSRN: “Drawing on a wealth of experience in legal scholarship and… Continue Reading

2021 Big Data and AI Executive Survey

“A Progress Report in the State of Corporate Data Initiatives – BusinessWire – NewVantage Partners, strategic advisors in data-driven business transformation to Fortune 1000 companies and industry leaders, has released the results of its 9th annual survey of senior corporate c-executives on the topics of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) business adoption. The theme… Continue Reading

If open is the answer, what is the question?

Rob Johnson – “This is an edited transcript of a keynote given at the International Conclave on eScience and Digital Libraries on 28 January 2021 on the topic of Open Science and Scholarly Communication. The slides are available here. I’ve been fortunate in my career to participate in discussions in numerous countries and at all levels… Continue Reading

Want Vaccines Fast? Suspend Intellectual Property Rights

The New York Times Opinion: “Otherwise, there won’t be enough shots to go around, even in rich countries. As some reports would have it, this is the beginning of the end. Three coronavirus vaccines have posted excellent results, with more expected to come. But this is not the beginning of the end; it is only… Continue Reading

How Prestige Journals Remain Elite, Exclusive And Exclusionary

Forbes: “Last week, Nature journals unveiled their “landmark” open-access option. Nature journals will charge authors, starting in January 2021, up to $11,400 to make research papers free to read, as an alternative to subscription-only publishing. Scientists from around the world received this news with outrage and disappointment on social media. Nature’s announcement comes on the… Continue Reading

Pretty Soon There’ll Be Just One Big Book Publisher Left

The New Republic: “America’s biggest, most powerful book publisher is about to get even bigger and more powerful. On Wednesday, a number of outlets reported that Penguin Random House had reached an agreement with ViacomCBS to purchase Simon & Schuster, the nation’s third-largest publisher, for $2 billion. The resulting conglomerate would publish at least a… Continue Reading

FTC Requires Zoom to Enhance its Security Practices as Part of Settlement

“The Federal Trade Commission today announced a settlement with Zoom Video Communications, Inc. that will require the company to implement a robust information security program to settle allegations that the video conferencing provider engaged in a series of deceptive and unfair practices that undermined the security of its users. Zoom has agreed to a requirement to… Continue Reading

Password protect PDF files, Google Documents, Sheets, and Google Slides

Google Workspace Marketplace – “And remove password protection from encrypted files. Easily protect any PDF file in your Google Drive with a password and add restrictions around printing, commenting, and annotations. Send the encrypted PDF files via email without leaving Google Drive. The PDF toolbox can also password protect native Google file formats include Google… Continue Reading

Pandemic Amplifies Trouble with Restrictive Licensing and E-Textbooks

SPARC – “…With the shift to remote learning, the demand for digital learning materials has intensified. Library staff are finding themselves having to educate their communities about the licensing restrictions and some are speaking out about the untenable position in which publishers have put them. In a shot across the bow, the University of Guelph… Continue Reading

Webinar – The Reasonable Robot: Artificial Intelligence and the Law

“Join the Center for Data Innovation on Friday, November 13, 2020 at 12:00 PM EDT for a conversation with Ryan Abbott on his new book The Reasonable Robot: Artificial Intelligence and the Law. The book argues that, as a general principle, the law should not discriminate between AI and human behavior, and discusses how this… Continue Reading

Academic publishing practices are making ebooks unaffordable, unsustainable and inaccessible to university libraries

Campaign to investigate the academic ebook market – “We are a group of academic librarians, researchers and university lecturers who have compiled an open letter asking the UK government to urgently investigate the academic publishing industry over its ebook pricing and licensing practices. The current situation is not working and it needs to change. Librarians… Continue Reading