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Category Archives: Government Documents

AI GOvernance and Regulatory Archive

Center for Security and Emerging Technology at Georgetown University – Welcome to ETO AGORA (AI GOvernance and Regulatory Archive), a living collection of AI-relevant laws, regulations, standards, and other governance. Browse Documents or search Thematic Collection. How do I use the interface? What’s included and what isn’t? Download AGORA data in bulk Continue Reading

How Wall Street Billionaires Avoid Paying Medicare Taxes

ProPublica – Reporting Highlights Tax Dodge: Most working Americans have to pay Medicare taxes, but some of the richest figures on Wall Street have found a way to opt out, a ProPublica investigation found. Accidental Loophole: Nearly 50 years ago, Congress tried to fix one financial abuse but unwittingly created an obscure loophole that these… Continue Reading

We’re about to enter the Digital Dark Ages

The Business Insider – Online archives are vanishing — and they’re taking our history with them. “The long-promised digital apocalypse has finally arrived, and it was heralded by a blog post. Published on July 18, the post’s headline sounded pretty arcane. “Google URL Shortener links will no longer be available,” it declared. I know, I… Continue Reading

Oceanic Impunity

Cody, Stephen, Oceanic Impunity (July 31, 2024). Southern California Law Review, Vol.97, No.3, p.637, 2024, Suffolk University Law School Research Paper No. 24-10, Available at SSRN: – “Ocean protection is essential to avoid climate disaster. Phytoplankton,seaweeds, and sea grasses produce more than half of Earth’s oxygen—exceeding all terrestrial forests and plants combined—and absorb about… Continue Reading

Arctic tundra becoming source of carbon dioxide emissions

NOAA: “After storing carbon dioxide in frozen soil for millennia, the Arctic tundra is being transformed by frequent wildfires into an overall source of carbon to the atmosphere, which is already absorbing record levels of heat-trapping fossil fuel pollution.  The transition of the Arctic from a carbon sink to a carbon source is one of… Continue Reading

Plastic Pollution and Policy Considerations: Frequently Asked Questions

CRS – Plastic Pollution and Policy Considerations: Frequently Asked Questions, December 5, 2024. “Global and domestic plastic production has increased substantially since the mid-20th century—doubling in the last two decades. The durability, moldability, and versatility of plastic have led to its ubiquitous use, benefiting many aspects of society, including the food, medical, technology, textile, and… Continue Reading

Searchable archive of DOJ Civil Rights Division reports and findings letters

Tyler McBrien. DOJ Police Department Pattern or Practice Reports and Findings Letters. A searchable archive of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division reports from investigations into patterns and practices of excessive force, biased policing, and other unconstitutional practices by law enforcement. Continue Reading

Almost all of earth became permanently drier since 1990: Report

The Hill: “More than 75 percent of the globe became permanently drier over the past three decades, according to a report from the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The report, published Monday, found that about 77.6 percent of the globe became drier from 1990 to 2020, more than it did over the preceding… Continue Reading

Capitol Riot Insurrectionists Networks

Capitol Riot Insurrectionists Networks – Mapping the networks of the more than 1,500 individuals who have been arrested, charged or subpoenaed in connection to the Capitol Riot on January 6th. The Capitol Riot Map incorporates research and data from several sources, including from government agencies, research organizations, academics institutions, and crowdsourced projects. Users may search for… Continue Reading

Everybody Loves FRED: How America Fell for a Data Tool

The New York Times [gift article] – “From Facebook political debates to college classrooms, the St. Louis Fed’s data tool has gained a major following. Fans post about him on social media. Swag bearing his name sells out on the regular. College professors dedicate class sessions and textbook sections to him. Foreign government officials have… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, December 7, 2024

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, December 7, 2024 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the… Continue Reading