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Category Archives: Government Documents

Some Justice Department Lawyers Look for Protection and the Exits

WSJ  via MSN – “Justice Department lawyers who have angered President-elect Donald Trump and his allies are facing tough  decisions about whether to stay in government—and how to best protect themselves from threats of retribution after Inauguration Day. Dozens of prosecutors and agents have worked on cases that potentially make them vulnerable, such as special counsel … Continue Reading

A whole mess of TikTok trial briefs

The Verge: “The Supreme Court will consider TikTok’s case against a divest-or-ban law early next year, and a wave of filings has hit the docket this afternoon — from the parties involved as well as numerous institutions and public figures, including President-elect Donald Trump. If you want a firsthand look, the full list is linked… Continue Reading

Archival Records of Congress: Frequently Asked Questions

CRS Report – Archival Records of Congress: Frequently Asked Questions – “Congressional offices and committees receive, generate, and process many paper and digital files in the course of their work. Archivists preserve some of this historical material, which can help inform future Congresses and researchers studying congressional history. This report is intended to assist congressional… Continue Reading

Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services

Department of the Treasury – Report on the Uses, Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligence in the Financial Services Sector, December 2024. “This report provides background on the use of AI in financial services based on respondents’ comments and building on observations from previous Treasury reports and  stakeholder engagement,5 highlights Treasury’s ongoing efforts to evaluate… Continue Reading

HUD Modernizes Website to Enhance User Experience

“Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announces the completion of a transformative project to update webpages for all 50 states, territories, and the District of Columbia on These updated pages feature a streamlined design and trauma-informed elements, making it easier for communities nationwide to access vital resources, including affordable housing… Continue Reading

Microsoft Bundling Practices Focus of Federal Antitrust Probe

ProPublica: “The Federal Trade Commission is investigating Microsoft in a wide-ranging probe that will examine whether the company’s business practices have run afoul of antitrust laws, according to people familiar with the matter. In recent weeks, FTC attorneys have been conducting interviews and setting up meetings with Microsoft competitors. One key area of interest is… Continue Reading

Bill requiring US agencies to share custom source code with each other becomes law

FedScoop: “Agencies will have to share custom-developed code amongst each other in an effort to prevent duplicative software development contracts under a new bill signed into law by President Joe Biden. The bipartisan Source Code Harmonization And Reuse in Information Technology (H.R. 9566), or SHARE IT Act, takes aim at reducing the roughly $12 billion… Continue Reading

New Site for Federal Government Workers

Civil Service Strong – “Our nation depends on a strong, non-partisan civil service. The U.S. civil service — 2.2 million federal workers who live and work in every state across the country — works for the American people, safeguards our democracy, and upholds the rule of law. Strong civil servants embody the values of integrity,… Continue Reading

HHS launches campaign against vaccine misinformation

Beckers : “In response to declining childhood vaccinations and rising infection rates across the U.S., HHS haslaunched a vaccine education campaign, encouraging parents to make informed healthcare decisions for their children based on more balanced information. The Let’s Get Real campaign aims to “cut through the noise of misinformation” and “provide verifiable facts” to parents while also serving… Continue Reading

Mass Hysteria Over Drones Flying in the Night Sky? It Didn’t Have to Be This Way

EPIC: “Recent nighttime drone sightings in New Jersey and other places have gained national attention because of the mystery that surrounds the drones—Who is flying them? What are the drones doing? Why are the drones appearing now? Numerous theories popped up to fill the void left by the lack of information—from alien invasion to foreign… Continue Reading