Daniel Schuman Executive Director | American Governance Institute: “There was a good presentation on this change at yesterday’s Congressional Data Task Force meeting, which includes congressional and public stakeholders. Prior to the meeting, I wrote a summary of the changes. That article is here – One thing to note is that the roll out of CRS reports as HTML, publication via API endpoint, integration into Congress.gov, and so on is not yet complete and will likely take through June to cover the corpus of reports the Library had been making publicly available pursuant to congressional direction. Further note that the Library of Congress is not publishing all CRS reports, but rather all CRS reports required to be made publicly available by the Equal Access to CRS Reports Act enacted circa 2018. There are thousands of reports (many of which are digitized) in CRS’s archives going back to 1970 that are not available online to the public or available on CRS’s internal website. My website, everycrsreport.com, has some of those reports, but thousands more are either available only through paid services or not available at all unless you have access to CRS’s internal archive. Despite legal authority to publish the pre-2018 reports, CRS has disclaimed that authority and says it will require Congress to direct it to do so. We should express our appreciation to appropriators for directing and the Library of Congress for implementing these improvements for public access to CRS reports, which have been requested by the public since 1997. The integration of CRS reports into the Congress.gov website is a significant improvement as is the availability by API. I asked at the Congressional Data Task Force convening for the Library of Congress to meet with public stakeholders regarding what the website should look like and address bugs, usability issues, feature requests, and the like. The Library representative said they would take back that request to leadership. Historically that’s how they say *no*, but perhaps the Library and new CRS Director will consider this an opportunity to directly engage with users. They’re built a clever product and this is a good opportunity for a reset.”