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Category Archives: Free Speech

UNESCO launches Global Survey on Internet Privacy and Freedom of Expression

“How do the “digital footprints” of Internet and cellphone users affect privacy, and what impact does this have on freedom of expression? These questions lie at the heart of a new study released by UNESCO this week…This publication seeks to identify the relationship between freedom of expression and Internet privacy, assessing where they support or… Continue Reading

Privacy Compliance Review of the NOC Publicly Available Social Media Monitoring and Situational Awareness Initiative

Privacy Compliance Review of the NOC Publicly Available Social Media Monitoring and Situational Awareness Initiative, November 8, 2012 “The Office of Operations Coordination and Planning (OPS), National Operations Center (NOC), has statutory responsibility to (1) provide situational awareness and establish a common operating picture for the federal government, and for state, local, and tribal governments… Continue Reading

New Study Affirms Less Copyright Restrictions Benefit the Economy

EFF: “A new study from Australia presents the latest evidence that loosening copyright restrictions not only enables free speech, but can improve an economy as well. The study, published by the Australian Digital Alliance, indicated that if Australia expanded copyright exceptions like fair use, along with strengthening safe harbor provisions, the country could potentially add… Continue Reading

CRS – Promoting Global Internet Freedom: Policy and Technology

Promoting Global Internet Freedom: Policy and Technology. Patricia Moloney Figliola, Specialist in Internet and Telecommunications Policy, August 30, 2012 “Internet freedom can be promoted in two ways, through legislation that mandates or prohibits certain activities, or through industry self regulation. Current legislation under consideration by Congress, the Global Online Freedom Act of 2011 (H.R. 3605),… Continue Reading

Google – First Amendment Protection for Search Engine Results

Google – First Amendment Protection for Search Engine Results, April 20, 2012. Eugene Volokh and Donald M. Falk [This White Paper was commissioned by Google, but the views within it should not necessarily be ascribed to Google.] “…search engines produce and deliver their speech through a different technology than that traditionally used for newspapers and… Continue Reading

Human Rights and Technology Sales: How Corporations Can Avoid Assisting Repressive Regimes

Human Rights and Technology Sales: How Corporations Can Avoid Assisting Repressive Regimes, By Cindy Cohn, Trevor Timm, & Jillian C. York – April 2012 “The Electronic Frontier Foundation believes that it’s time for technology companies, especially those selling surveillance and filtering equipment, to step up and ensure that they aren’t assisting foreign governments in committing… Continue Reading

Bloggers Under Fire "tracks instances of bloggers, Internet users being threatened, arrested, harassed, harmed

Bloggers Under Fire: “As activists and ordinary citizens around the world are increasingly making use of the Internet to express their opinions and connect with others, many governments are increasing their surveillance and censorship capabilities and taking legal or extrajudicial actions against bloggers and social media users. The threats to netizens are increasing. The Committee… Continue Reading

Article: First Amendment Architecture

First Amendment Architecture, Marvin Ammori, Wisconsin Law Review, Vol. 2012, No. 1, 2012. “The right to free speech is meaningless without some place to exercise it. But constitutional scholarship generally overlooks the role of judicial doctrines in ensuring the availability of spaces for speech. Indeed, when scholarship addresses doctrines that are explicitly concerned with speech… Continue Reading

Reporters Without Borders – World Press Freedom Index 2011-2012

World Press Freedom Index 2011-2012 – “Syria, Bahrain and Yemen get worst ever rankings – “This year’s index sees many changes in the rankings, changes that reflect a year that was incredibly rich in developments, especially in the Arab world,” Reporters Without Borders said today as it released its 10th annual press freedom index. “Many… Continue Reading