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Category Archives: Free Speech

2020’s record voter turnout in the US is still lower than many other countries

Quartz: “At least 158.8 million people voted in this year’s US presidential election. That’s some 20 million more than the 137.5 million Americans who voted in 2016, and 25 million more than the 132.9 million who voted in 2012. The big difference in this election was that close to 102 million people voted early—either in person… Continue Reading

Counties with worst virus surges overwhelmingly voted for Trump

AP – “U.S. voters went to the polls starkly divided on how they see President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, with a surprising twist: In places where the virus is most rampant now, Trump enjoyed enormous support. An Associated Press analysis reveals that in 376 counties with the highest number of new cases… Continue Reading

New on LLRX for October 2020

Why there’s so much legal uncertainty about resolving a disputed presidential election – As stated in this article by Richard Pildes, Professor of Constitutional Law, New York University – the Constitution does not create rules or an institutional structure for resolving a modern, disputed presidential election. It provides a fail-safe mechanism for only one situation,… Continue Reading

The State of Race, Police Brutality and Gun Violence in America

Free ABA Webinar [this link includes list of speakers]- “George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and so many victims have died because of police brutality and gun violence. The surge in police brutality and gun violence against the Black population recently led all people to come together to peacefully march against these tragedies. This moderated… Continue Reading

Election 2020: How to spot misinformation while you wait for results

CNET – “As expected, Tuesday night didn’t bring a final result in the presidential election, so we’re still targets for people trying to confuse the issue. The 2020 presidential election wasn’t over when the polls closed on Tuesday night. Calling the winner — President Donald Trump or challenger Joe Biden — is taking longer than… Continue Reading

When To Expect Election Results In Every State

FiveThirtyEight – A complete guide to poll closing times, vote counting and races to watch on election night 2020: “There’s a good chance we won’t know who won the presidential election on election night. More people than ever are voting by mail this year due to the pandemic, and mail ballots take longer to count… Continue Reading

You have rights when you go to vote – and many people are there to help if there’s trouble at the polls

Via LLRX – You have rights when you go to vote – and many people are there to help if there’s trouble at the polls – Despite all the challenges to this year’s election – long lines, calls for voter intimidation, baseless claims of fraud – voting is a fundamental civil right. As a political scientist… Continue Reading

After the Voting Ends: The Steps to Complete an Election

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) – An election isn’t over when the polls close. It’s over when election administrators complete their postelection activities and the election results are certified. As with everything else related to elections, state law governs these postelection processes—and there are 51 models. (The states plus Washington, D.C.). This webpage reviews… Continue Reading

Federal Law Enforcement Use of Facial Recognition Technology

CRS report via LC – Federal Law Enforcement Use of Facial Recognition Technology, October 27, 2020: “Law enforcement agencies’ use of facial recognition technology (FRT), while not a new practice, has received increased attention from policymakers and the public. Some of the concerns raised revolve around the accuracy of the technology, including potential race-, gender-, and… Continue Reading

How to return your mail-in ballot without using the postal service

Popular Information: “There are 44 states that don’t require any reason to vote by mail or allow concerns about COVID-19 as a valid reason. All 44 states provide alternatives to the USPS to return your mail-in ballot. The details of these alternative return methods are listed below. Six states — New York, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi,… Continue Reading

Postal Service ordered to increase late trips for election mail

Bloomberg News via Seattle Times – “Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was ordered to immediately begin expanding mail delivery with extra trips and later deliveries after the U.S. Postal Service failed to improve performance less than a week before the election. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington late Tuesday granted an emergency request to enforce… Continue Reading

The U.S. Presidential Election: Managing the Risks of Violence

International Crisis Group – 28 October 2020 – The U.S. Presidential Election: Managing the Risks of Violence: “The 2020 U.S. presidential election presents risks not seen in recent history. It is conceivable that violence could erupt during voting or protracted ballot counts. Officials should take extra precautions; media and foreign leaders should avoid projecting a… Continue Reading