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Category Archives: Economy

Visualizing the November Democratic Debate

Center for Data Innovation: “Bloomberg has created a series of data visualizations illustrating the amount of time presidential candidates spent discussing topics in the most recent Democratic debate. The visualizations show that topics such as foreign policy and democracy replaced healthcare and gun control as the most discussed issues. In addition, the visualizations demonstrate that… Continue Reading

Technology & the Law of Corporate Responsibility – The Impact of Blockchain

In Custodia Legis – guest post by Elizabeth Boomer, a legal research analyst in the Global Legal Research Directorate.”Blockchain, a technology regularly associated with digital currency, is increasingly being utilized as a corporate social responsibility tool in major international corporations. This intersection of law, technology, and corporate responsibility was addressed earlier this month at the World Bank Law, Justice, and… Continue Reading

Opinion: Workers Deserve a Say in Automation

Opinion – By Sherrod Brown, Ohio’s senior US senator and Liz Schuler, secretary-treasurer of the AFL-CIO: “The Workers’ Right to Training Act allows employees to evolve as their employers adopt new tech. When the global economy shifted in the late 19th century, working people were the first to adapt. They moved to cities like Cincinnati,… Continue Reading

What jobs are affected by AI?

Brookings – “…White-collar jobs (better-paid professionals with bachelor’s degrees) along with production workers may be most susceptible to AI’s spread into the economy. AI could affect work in virtually every occupational group. However, whereas research on automation’s robotics and software continues to show that less-educated, lower-wage workers may be most exposed to displacement, the present… Continue Reading

Over half of Fortune 500 exposed to remote access hacking

Axios – “Over a two-week period, the computer networks at more than half of the Fortune 500 left a remote access protocol dangerously exposed to the internet, something many experts warn should never happen, according to new research by the security firm Expanse and 451 research…According to Coveware, more than 60% of ransomware is installed… Continue Reading

Artificial Intelligence, Finance, and the Law

Lin, Tom C. W., Artificial Intelligence, Finance, and the Law (November 4, 2019). 88 Fordham Law Review 531 (2019); Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2019-31. Available at SSRN: “Artificial intelligence is an existential component of modern finance. The progress and promise realized and presented by artificial intelligence in finance has been thus… Continue Reading

Europe’s Unauthorized Immigrant Population Peaks in 2016 Then Levels Off

“Europe has experienced a high level of immigration in recent years, driving debate about how countries should deal with immigrants when it comes to social services, security issues, deportation policies and integration efforts. Among these recently arrived immigrants are many who live in Europe without authorization. Coupled with unauthorized immigrants who were already in Europe,… Continue Reading

Next in Google’s quest for consumer dominance – banking

WSJ via FoxNews: “Google will soon offer checking accounts to consumers, becoming the latest Silicon Valley heavyweight to push into finance. The project, code-named Cache, is expected to launch next year with accounts run by Citigroup Inc. and a credit union at Stanford University, a tiny lender in Google’s backyard. Big tech companies see financial services as a… Continue Reading

FedBizOpps migrated to Contract Opportunities

NextGov – ..but a slow site and data migration issues made for some disgruntled users. “The new website for posting federal market research and solicitation opportunities is now live on … if you can get the page to load. The government’s longtime go-to website for contracting opportunities, Federal Business Opportunities, also known as FedBizOpps… Continue Reading

Chicago book returns surge 240% after city eliminates fines

AP: “Chicago public libraries have seen a 240% increase in the number of books returned since the city’s mayor eliminated overdue fines, according to a library official. Library Commissioner Andrea Telli testified at a budget hearing Wednesday, telling City Council members that abandoning the library fines policy has been instrumental in luring in both patrons… Continue Reading

Local journalism in crisis: Why America must revive its local newsroom

Brookings: “Thousands of local newspapers have closed in recent years. Their disappearance has left millions of Americans without a vital source of local news and deprived communities of an institution essential for exposing wrongdoing and encouraging civic engagement. Of those still surviving, many have laid off reporters, reduced coverage, and pulled back circulation. Over 65… Continue Reading

Business Roundtable Ranked How Well Apple, IBM, and Amazon Actually Serve Stakeholders

Fortune: “In August, almost 200 leading business executives—including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, and IBM CEO Ginni Rometty—made news headlines by offering a new definition for the purpose of a corporation that challenged long-held corporate orthodoxy. These chief executives, collectively known as the Business Roundtable, argued that… Continue Reading