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Category Archives: E-Government

U.S. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map

“Landslides are a damaging, disruptive, and potentially deadly geologic hazard. While landslides occur in every U.S. State, their impacts are often a localized and episodic phenomenon, plus landslide types and triggering mechanisms vary widely across the country. Looking at past incidents help us to understand and prepare for landslides, but information about historic landslide events… Continue Reading

FHFA Releases Mortgage Loan and Natural Disaster Dashboard

“The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) released an online risk analysis tool [and a FAQ] that provides geographic estimates for physical risks from various types of natural disasters as well as nationwide data on housing and the mortgage market. The tool — known as the Mortgage Loan and Natural Disaster Dashboard — is intended to give… Continue Reading

Social Security Administration Digitizes or Removes Signature Requirements for Many Forms

Move eases burden on millions of customers: “Today, the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced progress this year to reduce customer burden by transitioning wet (physical) signature requirements to digital signatures for over 30 forms as well as removing the signature requirements altogether for 13 forms. These actions simplify application processes for people, including removing a… Continue Reading

Update to U.S. precipitation frequency standards now accounts for climate trends

“A key scientific NOAA resource on extreme precipitation that is widely used by floodplain managers, city planners, civil engineers, developers and communities across the nation will soon include climate trend data. NOAA’s Precipitation Frequency Atlas of the United States (Atlas) provides the statistical likelihood of an extreme precipitation event at a particular location in any… Continue Reading

Americans’ Experiences With Local Crime News

“This is the third report in a series focused on local news. Read our first report, “Americans’ Changing Relationship With Local News,” and our second report, “How Americans Get Local Political News.”  Crime has long been a major area of focus in local news coverage. In fact, more Americans get news and information about crime than… Continue Reading

New ocean acidification maps of U.S. waters

NOAA Research – “Online dashboard makes it easy to see how chemical changes differ in various location. Researchers from NOAA have produced a new online dashboard on the National Marine Ecosystem Status website that shows how ocean acidification is impacting eleven different marine ecosystems in the U.S. These graphs, charts and mapped products, which were… Continue Reading

Library of Congress Geospatial Applications Hub site

“The Geography and Map Division is excited to support the newly launched “Library of Congress Geospatial Applications” Hub site! Hosted in ArcGIS Online, a web-based platform created by Esri, “the Hub” provides online users with a new way to explore the Library’s wide range of StoryMaps and web map applications in one site. Conveniently located… Continue Reading

Collecting federal .gov databases

“Please help us by submitting the agency name and url of your favorite agency’s queryable database. We will attempt to harvest that information for the 2024 crawl. We appreciate your time in assisting us in collecting those .gov databases. Please feel free to forward this email to other interested people/communities/lists. For questions, please email me… Continue Reading

U.S. Congress Legislative Status Steps Image added to

In Custodia Legis: “July was a great month for Robert shared news of our first release of the month and I blogged about the second. Andrew Reiter detailed how we modernized treaty documents. Cassidy Charles discussed all of the appropriations information on and highlighted the new appropriations resources video. With today’s release there is… Continue Reading

Who Has Your Face

EFF – Who Has Your Face – “Law enforcement and government agencies have access to over 641 million photos for facial recognition purposes—photos of more than half of Americans. Knowing which agencies can access these images is necessary to fight back against this invasion of privacy. Learn more below. Table of Contents State Licenses/IDs Passports,… Continue Reading