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Category Archives: E-Government

Smart TVs are like “a digital Trojan Horse” in people’s homes

Ars Technica: “The companies behind the streaming industry, including smart TV and streaming stick manufacturers and streaming service providers, have developed a “surveillance system” that has “long undermined privacy and consumer protection,” according to a report from the Center for Digital Democracy (CDD) published today and sent to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Unprecedented tracking… Continue Reading

FTC Sends Refunds to Consumers Who Bought Pyrex Glass Manufacturer’s Products Falsely Advertised as Made in USA

FTC: The Federal Trade Commission is sending more than $88,000 in refunds to consumers who bought Chinese-made measuring cups marketed as “Made in USA” by Instant Brands, the maker of Pyrex-brand kitchen and home products. The FTC took action against Instant Brands in 2023 charging that the company claimed that all its popular glass measuring… Continue Reading

LLRX Articles and Columns, September 2024

When Should Presenters Apologize? – Referencing decades of experience as a presenter and an attendee at presentations, Jerry Lawson cautions us not to begin a presentation with an apology, which can be compelled by a tech glitch or some other reason not within our control. AI in Finance and Banking, September 30, 2024 – Sabrina I.… Continue Reading

License Plate Readers Are Creating a US-Wide Database of More Than Just Cars

Wired [unpaywalled]: “…License-plate-recognition systems, broadly, work by first capturing an image of a vehicle; then they use optical character recognition (OCR) technology to identify and extract the text from the vehicle’s license plate within the captured image. Motorola-owned DRN sells multiple license-plate-recognition cameras: a fixed camera that can be placed near roads, identify a vehicle’s… Continue Reading

IRS free tax filing will be available in 24 states for the 2025 season — here’s who can use it

CNBC: “Next year, more than 30 million Americans in 24 states will be eligible for Direct File, the IRS’ free tax filing program, the agency and U.S. Department of the Treasury announced on Thursday. The Direct File pilot was open to limited taxpayers in 12 states for the 2024 filing season, including Arizona, California, Florida,… Continue Reading

Systems used by courts and governments across the US riddled with vulnerabilities

Ars Technica: “Public records systems that courts and governments rely on to manage voter registrations and legal filings have been riddled with vulnerabilities that made it possible for attackers to falsify registration databases and add, delete, or modify official documents. Over the past year, software developer turned security researcher Jason Parker has found and reported… Continue Reading

EDGAR Next – Improving Filer Access and Account Management

EDGAR Filers: Understand and Prepare for EDGAR Next – The SEC adopted changes to EDGAR filer access and account management (“EDGAR Next”) on September 27, 2024. From September 30, 2024 through March 21, 2025, filers will be able to prepare for enrollment, and a Beta environment will be available for testing. Enrollment begins March 24,… Continue Reading

Heritage Foundation Staffers Flood Federal Agencies With Thousands of Information Requests

ProPublica: “Three investigators for the Heritage Foundation have deluged federal agencies with thousands of Freedom of Information Act requests over the past year, requesting a wide range of information on government employees, including communications that could be seen as a political liability by conservatives. Among the documents they’ve sought are lists of agency personnel and… Continue Reading

WH Science and Technology Policy report – implementation of federal scientific integrity policy and practice Protecting scientific integrity in government is vital to the Nation. Scientific integrity is defined as: “The adherence to professional practices, ethical behavior, and the principles of honesty and objectivity when conducting, managing, using the results of, and communicating about science and scientific activities. Inclusivity, transparency, and protection from inappropriate influence are hallmarks of scientific… Continue Reading

The late summer release for GovInfo included 85 individually tracked system changes

GovInfo – RSS Feeds for Searches, Browse Pages Updates, and New Mobile Buttons – The late summer release for GovInfo included 85 individually tracked system changes. Highlights were functionality to create RSS feeds based on search criteria, design improvements for mobile button display, browse updates that include migrating the Public and Private Laws collection to the… Continue Reading

Georgia Voter Registration Check

Keep The Vote is a nonprofit voter education organization. We’re a group of cybersecurity professionals who work to ensure every qualified American is allowed to participate in our elections: Georgia has removed hundreds of thousands of people from their voter rolls. While many of those removals were possibly appropriate, it’s certain that many legitimate voters… Continue Reading

Explore Sea Level Change in the Coastal U.S.

View past, present, and future sea level rise and related flood impacts for the coastlines of the United States. Select a state and location or search by region. The Federal Government delivers essential science and services to help our nation understand and address the challenges that sea level rise poses for coastal communities. Through interagency… Continue Reading