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Category Archives: E-Commerce

Internet Archive – One Million Audio Cover Images for Research

Internet Archive – “Culled from various sources, this collection includes over one million JPG, PNG and GIF album covers. The resolution ranges from “thumbnail” through to very large sizes. Filenames are variant in usefulness, although a good number indicate at least the name of the original album. This dataset is for experimentation and image processing… Continue Reading

KPCB’s Mary Meeker – 2015 Internet Trends Report

Internet Trends 2015 – Code Conference – Mary Meeker – Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB) – May 27, 2015. Outline as follows: 1) Internet – Two – Thirds of a Generation In… 2) Key Internet Trends 3) Re-Imagining Continues… 4) America’s Evolving Work Environment… 5) Big Internet Markets = China/India 6) Public / Private Company… Continue Reading

FTC Report – Pet Medications Industry Finds Veterinarians Face Increasing Competition from Non-Veterinary Retail Outlets

“A Federal Trade Commission report on the pet medications industry noted fast growth and a changing landscape of suppliers – with veterinarians seeing increased competition from non-traditional sellers, and consumers finding more ways to buy medications for their pets. The report made recommendations for ways to make the pet medications market even more competitive. Based… Continue Reading

Open Bitcoin Privacy Project assesses wallet privacy in new report

“The Open Bitcoin Privacy Project (OBPP) – an open-source, international organization whose goal is to improve financial privacy within the Bitcoin ecosystem – has released its Spring 2015 Wallet Privacy Rating Report. In the report, the OBPP rates the 10 most popular Bitcoin wallets by measuring the wallets’ effectiveness at protecting users’ privacy. Each wallet… Continue Reading

Americans’ Attitudes About Privacy, Security and Surveillance

“Two new Pew Research Center surveys explore [the issues of privacy and surveillance] and place them in the wider context of the tracking and profiling that occurs in commercial arenas. The surveys find that Americans feel privacy is important in their daily lives in a number of essential ways. Yet, they have a pervasive sense that… Continue Reading

Guardian – How we sold our souls – and more – to the internet giants

Bruce Schneier – Adapted from Data and Goliath by Bruce Schneier, published by Norton Book  – Last year, when my refrigerator broke, the repair man replaced the computer that controls it. I realised that I had been thinking about the refrigerator backwards: it’s not a refrigerator with a computer, it’s a computer that keeps food… Continue Reading

Antitrust: EU Commission launches e-commerce sector inquiry

News release: “The European Commission has today launched an antitrust competition inquiry into the e-commerce sector in the European Union. The inquiry, as announced by Commissioner Vestager in March, will allow the Commission to identify possible competition concerns affecting European e-commerce markets. It complements actions launched within the framework of the Digital Single Market Strategy… Continue Reading

Ad Injection at Scale: Assessing Deceptive Advertisement Modifications

Google Research Paper – “Today, web injection manifests in many forms, but fundamentally occurs when malicious and unwanted actors tamper directly with browser sessions for their own profit. In this work we illuminate the scope and negative impact of one of these forms, ad injection , in which users have ads imposed on them in… Continue Reading

Attacking the Internet using Broadcast Digital Television

From the Aether to the Ethernet – Attacking the Internet using Broadcast Digital Television. Yossef Oren, Angelos D. Keromytis, Columbia University 19th May 2014. “In the attempt to bring modern broadband Internet fea-tures to traditional broadcast television, the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) consortium introduced a specification called Hybrid Broadcast-Broadband Television(HbbTV), which allows broadcast streams to… Continue Reading

Google announces Digital News Initiative

Laurie Sullivan – MediaPost: “Google began rolling out a digital news partnership with eight European newspaper publishers acknowledging past mistakes with news organizations. On Tuesday the Mountain View, Calif. company pledged more than $164 million to nurture, support and fund digital journalism and news organizations. The Digital News Initiative’s road map focuses on working with… Continue Reading

Accenture – The World’s Love Affair with the TV May Be Coming to an End

News release: “The television’s popularity as the go-to entertainment device may be ending, according to “Digital Video and the Connected Consumer,” a new research report from Accenture. The television was the only product category to see uniform, double-digit usage declines across different types of media worldwide among viewers of nearly all ages. It is rapidly… Continue Reading