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Category Archives: E-Commerce

Best Sellers Sell the Best Because They’re Best Sellers

The New York Times – Publishing is becoming a winner-take-all game. Nobody dominates it like Madeline McIntosh and Penguin Random House:  “After a steep drop at the start of the pandemic, book sales not only recovered but surged. Unit sales of print books are up nearly 6 percent over last year, according to NPD BookScan,… Continue Reading

Why Goodreads is bad for books

New Statesman  “After years of complaints from users, Goodreads’ reign over the world of book talk might be coming to an end. On a typical day, a long-time user of Goodreads [owned by Amazon], the world’s largest community for reviewing and recommending books, will feel like they’re losing their mind. After numerous frustrated attempts to find… Continue Reading

Mozilla research: Browsing histories are unique enough to reliably identify users

“A recently published study conducted by three Mozilla employees has looked at the privacy provided by browsing histories.  Their findings show that most users have unique web browsing habits that allow online advertisers to create accurate profiles. These profiles can then be used to track and re-identify users across different sets of user data that… Continue Reading

Learn how to find image licensing information on Google Images

Google Blog: “First, we’re making it easier to find licensable images. For results where the publisher or image creator provided licensing information, we will display a “licensable” badge over the image. When you select a badged image to view, we will show a link to the license details of the image, and if provided by… Continue Reading

Browsing histories are unique enough to reliably identify users

ZDNet – Mozilla research – Online advertisers don’t need huge lists of the sites we access. Just 50-150 of our favorite sites are enough.”A recently published study conducted by three Mozilla employees has looked at the privacy provided by browsing histories. Their findings show that most users have unique web browsing habits that allow online… Continue Reading

Finding Email Addresses

Via LLRX – Finding Email Addresses – Across most sectors, customer support is no longer provided by human contacts but rather leads customers into endless telephone loops of menus, dealing with chatbots, or receiving emails from “no-reply” addresses. Finding email addresses for actual people is very difficult but Michael Ravnitzky’s article features proven tools and… Continue Reading

How Facebook and Other Sites Manipulate Your Privacy Choices

Wired: “…Dark patterns show up all over the web, nudging people to subscribe to newsletters, add items to their carts, or sign up for services. But, says says Colin Gray, a human-computer interaction researcher at Purdue University, they’re particularly insidious “when you’re deciding what privacy rights to give away, what data you’re willing to part… Continue Reading

5 companies that want to track your emotions

Fortune: “Faced with ongoing social isolation, a turbulent economic climate, and continued uncertainty about when life will return to a simulacrum of normalcy—and what that normal will even look like—many adults are exhibiting mounting signs of clinical anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. As the world’s… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, August 23, 2020

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, August 23, 2020 – Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss, highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading