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Category Archives: E-Commerce

Companies lose your data and then nothing happens

Vox: “…High-profile data breaches have been in the headlines for years. In 2013, Target lost the credit card, debit card, and other information of tens of millions of customers. In 2018, Marriott disclosed a data breach that impacted up to 500 million people; in 2020, it got hit again. In 2021, hackers got a bunch… Continue Reading

The Law of Social Roles for The Platform Internet

Mazzurco, Sari, The Law of Social Roles for The Platform Internet (February 21, 2022). Available at SSRN: or “Social roles are integral to social life. Roles like teacher, judge, and employee help people navigate interactions by supplying them with meaning—specifically, societal expectations about actors’ appropriate behaviors in a particular relationship. In the emergent… Continue Reading

Algorithms, lies, and social media

NiemanLab: Achieving a more transparent and less manipulative online media may well be the defining political battle of the 21st century. “There was a time when the internet was seen as an unequivocal force for social good. It propelled progressive social movements from Black Lives Matter to the Arab Spring; it set information free and… Continue Reading

You’re Still Being Tracked on the Internet, Just in a Different Way

The New York Times – “Apple and Google are pushing privacy changes, but a shift in digital tracking is giving some platforms a bigger advertising advantage….Now tracking has shifted to what is known as “first party” tracking. With this method, people are not being trailed from app to app or site to site. But companies… Continue Reading

Chrome’s “Topics” advertising system is here, whether you want it or not

Ars Technica: “…With 82% of Google’s empire based on ad revenue, this latest development in Chrome shows that Google is not keen on any moves to threaten their main money maker. Google continues to argue that it is mandatory that it builds a user tracking and advertising system into Chrome, and the company says it… Continue Reading

TIME 100 Most Influential Companies of 2022

“Which businesses and corporate leaders are shaping our future? That’s the question at the heart of TIME 100 Most Influential Companies, an annual list that highlights businesses making an extraordinary impact around the world. To assemble it, TIME solicits nominations across sectors including health care, entertainment, technology, and more from our global network of editors… Continue Reading