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Category Archives: E-Commerce

Travel Web Site Orbitz Sued

Five travel agencies want to establish a class action in federal court in L.A. against online web travel giant Orbitz. The agencies claim they cannot compete with the site due to unfair practices, and also name three of the site’s backers in the suit: American, United and Delta. Continue Reading

E-Government Catches On

E-government initiatives that serve citizens and businesses alike are gaining in popularity as localities realize more efficiency and cost savings via online solutions. BusinessWeek described a number of such efforts in this article. There is also mention of, an excellent example of an e-gov site that provides a wealth of easy to use content… Continue Reading

Net Taxes on E-Commerce Resurface

The Streamlined Sales Tax Project is alive and well according to this article in the Denver Post. With states running huge deficits, as many as 29 of them are considering supporting the initiative when it comes to a vote on November 13. Check-out the chart at the end of the article that shows the state-by-state… Continue Reading