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Category Archives: E-Commerce

Report on Domain Name Cyberscam

In April 2002, the FTC obtained a judgment and permanent injunction in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennyslvania barring cybersquatter John Zuccarini from continuing an extensive cyberscam. It involved diverting individuals from their intended website destinations to the more than 5,300 sites he owned, through the use of commonly occuring misspellings… Continue Reading

FTC Settles Student Data Collection Dispute

The Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint against the Educational Research Center of America, Inc. stating the company had “collected personal information from high school and middle and junior high school students through surveys,” and used this data “to create lists of students that it sells to commercial entities for use in marketing.” A copy… Continue Reading

Verizon Fights to Protect Consumer Privacy

Verizon is appealing the district court’s decision compelling the ISP to release customer data to RIAA in a copyright dispute concerning music downloading. According to Verizon’s deputy general counsel, “If this ruling stands, consumers will be caught in a digital dragnet – not only from record companies alleging infringement of their copyright monopolies – but… Continue Reading

UCLA Internet Report

The UCLA Center for Communication Policy today released the third installment of their report, Surveying the Digital Future. The report addresses topics that include the following; Internet Users – Who is Online, Who is Not; Media Use and Trust; Consumer Behavior, Communications Patterns, Social Effects of the Internet (on family, children, friends, politics); the Internet… Continue Reading

RIAA Wins Battle With Verizon Over Customer Data

Judge John D. Bates, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, has ruled in favor of RIAA in their high profile case against Verizon to compel the ISP to provide personal data on customers’ use and online distribution of music obtained using P2P downloading applications. See Recording Industry of America v. Verizon Internet… Continue Reading

E-Commerce Dispute Resolution

For the past two years, an ABA task force of the Section of Dispute Resolution has studied the issue of consumer disputes as they apply to e-commerce transactions. A draft of their final report, that included recommendations and proposed guidelines, was released in April 2002. This ABA press release indicates that there is now a… Continue Reading

E-Commerce, Privacy and Fraud

eMarketer has published an article, Personal Information: The Push-Pull Between Companies & Consumers, that incorporates survey data collected by a number of organizations including, Harris Interactive, ConsumerWebWatch, and PricewaterhouseCoopers. E-privacy and ID theft concerns dominate consumer perspectives when conducting online transactions. In a related article, MSNBC reports on extensive credit card fraud complaints involving PayPal,… Continue Reading

Kazaa Will Fight Infringement Lawsuit

Via ZDNet there is news that Sharman Networks, the investment consortium based in Sydney, Australia that owns the popular and controversial P2P software Kazaa will fight the copyright infringement lawsuit brought against them in the U.S. District Court, Central District of California (CV 01-08541-SVW, CV 01-09923-SVW) by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, after the court issued a 46… Continue Reading

Allen Introduces Bill on Net Taxes

This is actually a new posting on yet another net taxes moratorium bill, this one sponsored by Virginia Senator George Allen . “Senator Allen’s legislation will permanently ban taxes on Internet access, as well as taxes on Internet transactions by multiple jurisdictions, and discriminatory taxes that unfairly target Internet transactions.” The bill, the Internet Tax… Continue Reading