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Category Archives: E-Commerce

Hearing on Spam

Today the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation held a hearing on Spam (Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail). “Description: Members will hear testimony relating to potential legislative, technical, and other approaches to curtailing unwanted spam. Senator McCain will preside.” The committee provides the full-text of available testimony via this main link. See also, Microsoft Proposes Law… Continue Reading

Fair Credit Act Reauthorization Hearing

The House Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, held a hearing on May 8, The Importance of the National Credit Reporting System to Consumers and the U.S. Economy. See this link for full-text access to the opening statements of Representative Carolyn Maloney and Representative Rubén Hinojosa, as well as testimony… Continue Reading

Net Gambling Bill Approved By House Cmte.

H.R. 21, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Funding Prohibition Act, sponsored by Rep. Jim Leach (R-Iowa), was passed by the House Committee on Financial Services yesterday. See also Hearing on Proposals to Regulate Illegal Internet Gambling, Senate Banking Committee, March 18, 2003, and GAO-03-89 Report, December 20, 2002, Internet Gambling, An Overview of the Issues. Continue Reading

States vs. Feds Over Anti-Spam Legislation

The majority of states attorneys general expressed their opposition to federal anti-spam legislation during the course of the FTC’s three-day Spam Forum currently underway in Washington, D.C. “The states are concerned because both proposals (on the federal level – the CAN SPAM Act and the REDUCE Spam Act) would supersede any state laws, even if… Continue Reading

More News on Anti-Spam Efforts

Spammers obviously continue to irritate a very raw nerve, and Capitol Hill is piling on. Recent federal legislation from Senators Wyden and Burns, Senator Schumer, and now Senator Lofgren’s announcement of the introduction of the Restrict and Eliminate Delivery of Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (REDUCE) Spam Act, added to state legislative efforts, indicate that the battle… Continue Reading

NY Senator Schumer Wages War Against Spam

Senator Charles E. Schumer announced the release of a new study (The Dark Side of E-Commerce: The EMail Spam Epidemic) indicating that “New York City residents receive 8.25 million junk emails a day and spend 4.2 million hours a year eliminating spam messages.” This announcement also stated the Senator plans to introduce new legislation to… Continue Reading

New FTC Study on False Claims and Spam

This new report from the FTC, False Claims in Spam (16 page pdf), states that is the first extensive review of deceptive and unfair practices that appear in unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE). The study analyzed 1,000 spam e-mails drawn from a pool of 11,000 such messages, and concluded that at least one form of deception… Continue Reading