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Category Archives: E-Commerce

The Real Price Associated With Free Web Applications

When Free Isn’t Really Free: Free applications may include adware, spyware, virusus, and result in copyright infringement lawsuits (music downloading). The article refers to the CDT report on spyware issued last week, about which I posted here and legislation to protect consumers against the collection of personal data via spyware, about which I posted here. Continue Reading

UN Report on the State of Global E-Commerce

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, E-Commerce and Development Report 2003 (228 pages, pdf). From the press release: “The E-Commerce and Development Report focuses on trends in information and communications technologies (ICT), such as e-commerce and e-business, and on national and international policy and strategy options for improving the development impact of these technologies… Continue Reading

New Survey Indicates Growing Consumer Concern With ID Theft

A recently conducted customer information protection survey highlights increasing consumer concerns regarding the security of their personal data in online transactions, especially in the e-tail arena. The survey identifies specific companies (including American Express, eBay and AOL) and industries (including hospitals, pharmacies and banks) in whom respondents indicated particular trust. Continue Reading

E-Mail Publisher’s Commentary on CAN-SPAM Act

The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003: Real Reform or Political Pork? by Neil J. Squillante: “Many of my peers in the online marketing industry claim that requiring permission (opting in) would destroy email’s commercial potential. I disagree and can personally attest to the fact that permission is good for business. If companies produce outstanding email newsletters… Continue Reading

Privacy Groups Organize Opposition to ID Technology Used on Consumer Goods

From, Position Statement on the Use of RFID on Consumer Products: “Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an item-tagging technology with profound societal implications. Used improperly, RFID has the potential to jeopardize consumer privacy, reduce or eliminate purchasing anonymity, and threaten civil liberties. As organizations and individuals committed to the protection of privacy and civil… Continue Reading

Two New Reports Survey Registrar Services and Market Share

From Ben Edelman, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law School: Survey of Domain Registration Services – “Numerous competitive registrars offer diverse domain registration services to individuals, companies, and organizations. This site attempts to index and analyze their service offerings, facilitating analysis by other researchers and in preparation for additional analysis by the author.”… Continue Reading