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Category Archives: E-Commerce

The Seoul Declaration for the Future of the Internet Economy

OECD Ministerial Meeting — The Future of the Internet Economy, Seoul, Korea, 17-18 June 2008. Shaping Policies for Creativity, Confidence and Convergence in the Digital World The Seoul Declaration for the Future of the Internet Economy Chair’s Summary Shaping policies for the future of the Internet economy Shaping policies for the future of the Internet… Continue Reading

National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse Report on Internet Activity Related to Controlled Prescription Drugs

News release: “Despite a decline in the number of Web sites advertising or selling controlled prescription drugs, like OxyContin and Valium, Xanax and Vicodin, and Ritalin and Adderall, in the past year, 85 percent of Web sites selling such drugs do not require a prescription, according to You’ve Got Drugs! V: Prescription Drug Pushers on… Continue Reading

Report: ISP, Ad Networking Scheme May Violate Federal and State Wiretap Laws

News release: “The Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) today released an analysis questioning the legal standing of a new approach to online advertising being considered by Internet Service Providers and Internet advertising networks. Under the new scheme, an ISP allows an advertising network to copy the contents of the individual Web traffic streams of… Continue Reading

Biggest Expansion to Internet in Forty Years Approved for Implementation

News release, June 26, 2008: “The Board of ICANN today approved recommendation that could see a whole range of new names introduced to the Internet’s addressing system. “The Board today accepted a recommendation from its global stakeholders that it is possible to implement many new names to the Internet, paving the way for an expansion… Continue Reading

CDT Issues Privacy Principles for Digital Watermarking

News release: “CDT today released a paper offering a set of principles for addressing potential privacy considerations when deploying digital watermarking technology. This technology embeds information within the content of digital media files in a form that is machine readable but often imperceptible to humans. Digital watermarking has a variety of applications and is increasingly… Continue Reading

Pew Study on Internet and Consumer Choice

News release: “The internet plays an important role in how people conduct research for purchases, but it is just one among a variety of sources people use and usually not the key factor in final purchasing decisions. A new study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project tracks the decision-making processes for buying music,… Continue Reading

Secure web browsing with the OP web browser

Secure web browsing with the OP web browser, Chris Grier, Shuo Tang, and Samuel T. King, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign “Current web browsers are plagued with vulnerabilities, providing hackers with easy access to computer systems via browser-based attacks. Browser security efforts that retrofit existing browsers have had limited success because… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Media Ownership, Millennium Challenge Corporation, Force Structure, Internet Sales

Media Ownership: Economic Factors Influence the Number of Media Outlets in Local Markets, While Ownership by Minorities and Women Appears Limited and Is Difficult to Assess, GAO-08-383, March 12, 2008 Millennium Challenge Corporation: Analysis of Compact Development and Future Obligations and Current Disbursements of Compact Assistance, GAO-08-577R, April 11, 2008 Defense Acquisitions: 2009 Review of… Continue Reading

First Ever Congressional Hearing Simulcast in an Internet-based Virtual World

Online Virtual Worlds: Applications and Avatars in a User-Generated Medium, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet Tuesday, April 1, 2008. Witness List & Prepared Testimony. News release: “Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, conducted the first ever Congressional hearing simulcast in an Internet-based virtual world [April… Continue Reading

FTC Staff Report, Protecting Consumers in the Next Tech-ade

News release: “The Commission has issued a staff report highlighting the challenges of consumer protection in the face of emerging and evolving technologies in the next ten years. The report summarizes the proceedings of the FTC’s three-day public hearings, “Protecting Consumers in the Next Tech-ade,” and which will inform its consumer protection efforts in the… Continue Reading