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Category Archives: Defense

ODNI Releases Intelligence Community Assessment of Foreign Threats to the 2022 U.S. Elections

“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) today released the declassified Intelligence Community Assessment of Foreign Threats to the 2022 U.S. Elections [redacted] Coordinated across the Intelligence Community (IC), the assessment addresses the intentions and efforts of foreign actors to influence or interfere with the 2022 U.S. elections. Within 45 days of the… Continue Reading

Arab Funding of American Universities: Donors, Recipients and Impact

Arab Funding of American Universities: Donors, Recipients and Impact By Mitchell G. Bard, Ph.D. American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (May 2023): “…Up until 2020, the DoE paid little attention to university compliance, and institutions did not report many of the gifts. That year the DoE began to investigate whether Yale and Harvard were complying with reporting requirements.… Continue Reading

The Nuclear Weapon Systems Project

Via Jeremy Singer Vine – Data is Plural: “The Council on Strategic Risks’s Nuclear Weapon Systems Project aims “to document every type of nuclear weapon system ever deployed” by China, France, Russia, the UK, and the US — the five “nuclear weapon states” per the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The project’s core dataset, launched last week,… Continue Reading

Tracking people in-and-out of Mar-a-Lago was easy thanks to commercial software

Rolling Stone: “Spying on presidents used to be a tough business. One of the great unsung heroes of American history was a formerly enslaved woman named Mary Bowser, a spy who infiltrated the family of Jefferson Davis as a domestic servant, and eventually landed a full-time job in the Southern White House, the political seat… Continue Reading

LLRX November 2023

The November 2023 issue of LLRX has 9 new articles and 6 new columns: AI in Banking and Finance, November 30, 2023 ; AI in Banking and Finance – November 16, 2023 – This semi-monthly column by Sabrina I. Pacifici highlights news, government reports, industry white papers, academic papers and speeches on the subject of AI’s… Continue Reading

2022 Country Reports on Terrorism

“The Department of State issued the 2022 Country Reports on Terrorism (CRT). Each year, the CRT provides insight on important issues in the fight against terrorism and helps the United States make informed decisions about policies, programs, and resource allocations as we seek to build counterterrorism capacity and resilience around the globe. As the United… Continue Reading

Violence Against Women and International Law

Via LLRX – Violence Against Women and International Law – LLRX is highlighting research sources for their relevance and relationship to this site’s Israel-Hamas War Project articles. This guide by Sabrina I. Pacifici will be updated moving forward and currently includes 8 pertinent sources comprising government reports, academic papers, reviews of UN/NGO programs, news, databases,… Continue Reading

Napoleon’s Kindle: Discover the Miniaturized Traveling Library That the Emperor Took on Military Campaigns

Open Culture: “Every piece of technology has a precedent. Most have several different types of precedents. You’ve probably used (and may well own) an eBook reader, for instance, but what would have afforded you a selection of reading material two or three centuries ago? If you were a Jacobean Englishman of means, you might have… Continue Reading

DHS CISA and UK NCSC Release Joint Guidelines for Secure AI System Development

“Taking a significant step forward in addressing the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) today jointly released Guidelines for Secure AI System Development to help developers of any systems that use AI… Continue Reading

The Captagon Threat A Profile of Illicit Trade, Consumption, and Regional Realities

The Captagon Threat A Profile of Illicit Trade, Consumption, and Regional Realities By Caroline Rose and Alexander Söderholm Opinion – Assad’s drug empire is funding Iranian-backed militias and fueling Hamas By Josh Rogin: “After the Oct. 7 terrorist attack in Israel, several Hamas militants were reportedly found to be high on the illegal drug Captagon,… Continue Reading

Data Brokers and the Sale of Data on U.S. Military Personnel

Data Brokers and the Sale of Data on U.S. Military Personnel Risks to Privacy, Safety, and National Security, By Justin Sherman, Hayley Barton, Aden Klein, Brady Kruse, and Anushka Srinivasan, Duke University, November 2023. “Overview: The data brokerage ecosystem is a multi-billion-dollar industry comprised of companies gathering, inferring, aggregating, and then selling, licensing, and sharing… Continue Reading

Israel and Hamas: Major Conflict After Surprise Attacks

CRS Insight – Israel and Hamas: Major Conflict After Surprise Attacks: “On October 7, 2023, Gaza Strip-based militants led by the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) engaged in a series of surprise attacks by land, sea, and air against Israel . The assault targeted Israeli military bases and… Continue Reading