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Category Archives: Defense

Russia’s Nuclear Weapons: Doctrine,Forces,and Modernization

CRS Report [45 pages] – Russia’s Nuclear Weapons: Doctrine,Forces,and Modernization, Updated March 1, 2022: “Russia’s nuclear forces consist of both long-range, strategic systems—including intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs),submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and heavy bombers—and shorter-and medium-range delivery systems. Russia is modernizing its nuclear forces,replacing Soviet-era systems with new missiles, submarines and aircraft while developing new types… Continue Reading

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Overview of U.S. and Allied Responses

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Overview of U.S. and Allied Responses, February 25, 2022: Russia launched a full-scale air, land, and sea attack on the independent and democratic state of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The United States and its allies around the world have condemned Russia’s “unprecedented military aggression”as “unprovoked and unjustified.” On February 24,… Continue Reading

Ukraine Pushes to Unplug Russia From the Internet

Rolling Stone: “Ukrainian officials are asking a key organization responsible for the operation of the Internet to disconnect all Russian sites from the global computer network-of-networks, Rolling Stone has learned. It’s the latest attempt to turn Russia into a pariah state in retaliation for its the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. Experts call it a massive… Continue Reading

Russian invasion’s impact on politics, policy, business and more

Politico Playbook: “Bruce Mehlman is out with a new deck on the Russian invasion’s impact on politics, policy, business and more…Bruce sees “minimal ‘rally around the commander-in-chief’” effect “given U.S. not attacked.” The potential upside for Biden, if he executes well, is that he’s seen as “strong Wartime Leader rallying West vs aggression,” like George… Continue Reading

In the world’s first crypto war uncertainty about who will benefit

Washington Post: “Both sides have embraced cryptocurrency. But its wartime utility is unclear…There is the $400,000 in cryptocurrency donations raised by a Kyiv IT professional to support the Ukrainian army. There are calls from Western cryptocurrency activists to mobilize on behalf of the Ukrainian people. And there are fears that Russia could use cryptocurrency to… Continue Reading

How Biden defeated Putin’s Ukraine disinformation campaign

Quartz: “…As Putin and his allies have claimed, falsely, that Ukraine is committing genocide, controlled by Nazis, developing nuclear weapons, or launching attacks on pro-Russian civilians, the US has worked to “prebunk” these narratives, Harding says, arguing that “the final accounting is going to show that the strategy made Russia’s life much harder.” Our theory… Continue Reading

Cybersecurity Tools Lie Unused in Federal Agencies’ Toolbox

Lawfare: “Concerns over the possible Russian use of cyber weapons against U.S. domestic critical infrastructure in connection with the Ukraine crisis—warnings renewed on Feb. 11—should prompt reconsideration of the still-deferential posture of U.S. cybersecurity policy toward much of the private sector. Once again, though, complaints against “government mandates” may block action.For more than 30 years,… Continue Reading

If Russia Invades Ukraine, TikTok Will See It Up Close

Wired: “On the snowy roads near Kursk, tanks and military equipment stop traffic. Videos from around the Russian city—roughly 100 miles from the border with Ukraine—show cars waiting in line to cross train tracks being used to transport tanks from one place to the next. Dozens of military vehicles have been filmed parked together. And… Continue Reading

Why a Russian Invasion of Ukraine Would Be a Big Test for Google Maps

TIME: “In 2014, six weeks after Russia invaded the Crimea, Google Maps took a major step, one that the United States, United Nations, and international community still refuse to take: it recognized the Crimea as Russian territory—but only on some versions of the product. While users in Ukraine still the saw the version of Google… Continue Reading

Global Sanctions Dashboard: Groundhog Edition

“In our previous edition of the Global Sanctions Dashboard, we discussed the growing anti-kleptocracy movement in the United States and dug into designations across Africa. For this month’s Groundhog Edition—as Russia keeps us all in suspense in and around Ukraine—we will review current sanctions against Russia and the potential consequences the Kremlin may face should… Continue Reading

How Technology Is Changing Intelligence

Webinar now available:  “The Hoover Institution hosted How Technology Is Changing Intelligence on Friday, February 4, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. PST. Emerging technologies are changing who can collect, analyze, and act on information on a global scale. Commercial satellite imagery enabled private citizens to observe the buildup of Russian troops near the Ukraine border and social media platforms provide… Continue Reading

Announcing the Launch of the New

DHS Blog: “DHS is proud to announce the launch of our brand new After months in the works, I’m happy to share that the Department’s flagship website has been significantly modernized and improved to provide the public and our workforce with a more intuitive, secure, and user-friendly experience. Excellence in user experience – and… Continue Reading