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Category Archives: Copyright

Controlled Digital Lending: Unlocking the Library’s Full Potential

Library Futures – “For many, libraries are a more trusted source of information than government, news, and social media. As physical spaces closed in response to the pandemic and communities turned more to digital resources to access knowledge, libraries moved to meet the challenge with new digital initiatives. Through a process called “controlled digital lending”… Continue Reading

Copyright Office Releases Report on Sovereign Immunity in Copyright Infringement Cases

“August 31, 2021 the U.S. Copyright Office released a report entitled Copyright and State Sovereign Immunity. The report marks the completion of a study conducted by the Office in response to an April 2020 request by Senators Thom Tillis and Patrick Leahy following the Supreme Court’s decision in Allen v. Cooper. In that case, the… Continue Reading

The voices of women in tech are still being erased

MIT Technology Review: “TikTok’s decision to use a woman’s voice without her permission is only one recent example of a problem that some mistakenly think we’ve moved past… When we think of women in computing, we often think about how, both literally and figuratively, they have been silenced more often than they’ve been listened to.… Continue Reading

How Academic Pirate Alexandra Elbakyan Is Fighting Scientific Misinformation

Vice: “In the decade since Alexandra Elbakyan founded Sci-Hub, science’s so-called “pirate queen” has amassed more than 85 million full-text research articles, which she’s made available, for free, to anyone who can track down her custom search engine. Sci-Hub uses myriad techniques, including shared passwords and bugs on publisher websites, to rip copyrighted papers, and… Continue Reading

If Not Overturned, a Bad Copyright Decision Will Lead Many Americans to Lose Internet Access

EFF : “In going after internet service providers (ISPs) for the actions of just a few of their users, Sony Music, other major record labels, and music publishing companies have found a way to cut people off of the internet based on mere accusations of copyright infringement. When these music companies sued Cox Communications, an… Continue Reading

How copyright filters lead to wage-theft

Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow – “…content ID was created to mollify the entertainment industry after Google acquired Youtube. Google would spend $100m on filtering tech that would allow rightsholders to go beyond the simple “takedown” permitted by law, and instead share in revenues from creative uses. But it’s easy to see how this… Continue Reading

Google v. Oracle: Supreme Court Rules for Google in Landmark Software Copyright Case

CRS Legal Sidebar – Google v. Oracle: Supreme Court Rules for Google in Landmark Software Copyright Case, May 10, 2021: “On April 5, 2021,the Supreme Court issued its highly anticipated decision in Google LLC v. Oracle America Inc., the culmination of a decade-long software copyright dispute between the two tech giants. Resolving what observers have… Continue Reading

Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17) and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code

“This week, the Copyright Office posted an updated edition of Circular 92, our publication that contains Title 17 and related laws. This new edition adds copyright legislation enacted since the last printed edition (June 2020) — specifically the new section 2319C to Title 18 regarding criminal penalties for copyright infringement, and a new chapter 15… Continue Reading

College student sues Proctorio after source code copyright claim

The Verge – Lawyers claim Erik Johnson made fair use of Proctorio’s software code in a critical Twitter thread: “The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has filed a lawsuit against the remote testing company Proctorio on behalf of Miami University student Erik Johnson. The lawsuit is intended to “quash a campaign of harassment designed to undermine… Continue Reading

Why Informal Information Sharing is Holding Your Organization Back

Via LLRX – Why Informal Information Sharing is Holding Your Organization Back – This article by Mary Ellen Bates is an excerpt from her recent presentation “The Strategic Value of Copyright Licensing Solutions,” to which she also provides a video link. Bates discusses ways published information is being used throughout organizations that you may not have… Continue Reading

Non-Fungible Tokens Force a Copyright Reckoning

IP Watchdog: “NFTs may actually mark the new era in online content; an era where we eventually see every digital copy tagged with a serial number to trace and prosecute counterfeiting….From the advent of the internet, digital commodities and technologies have ceaselessly presented new hurdles for intellectual property (IP) owners and protectors. The cycle of… Continue Reading

Law and Authors: A Legal Handbook for Writers (Introduction)

Lipton, Jacqueline Deborah, Law and Authors: A Legal Handbook for Writers (Introduction) (February 24, 2021). In Law and Authors: A Legal Handbook for Writers, Jacqueline D. Lipton, University of California Press, 2020, U. of Pittsburgh Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2021-06, Available at SSRN: “Drawing on a wealth of experience in legal scholarship and… Continue Reading