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Category Archives: Congress

COVID-19 Testing: Frequently Asked Questions

CRS report via, LC – COVID-19 Testing: Frequently Asked Questions. August 11, 2020 “…This CRS report provides answers to numerous questions related to COVID-19 testing, including types of testing available and their reliability; testing capacity and infrastructure; delivery of testing, including the settings where testing is available; payment for testing, including the provision by federally… Continue Reading

Something fundamental has changed about the ways Americans vote

The Atlantic: “Although it is slowly dawning on the press and the electorate that Election Day will be more like Election Week or Election Month this year, thanks to coronavirus-related complications, the blue shift remains obscure. But the effect could be much larger and far more consequential in 2020, as Democrats embrace voting by mail… Continue Reading

Library of Congress Virtual Public Forum

“The Library of Congress will be hosting a Virtual Public Forum on September 10, at 10:00 to 12:00 EST focusing on and the Library’s role in providing access to congressional information. This forum is part of the Library’s response to a congressional request to facilitate public input into the Library’s legislative information services and… Continue Reading

A Record 75% of Americans Can Vote by Mail in 2020

The New York Times: “About three-quarters of all American voters will be eligible to receive a ballot in the mail for the 2020 election — the most in U.S. history, according to a New York Times analysis. If recent election trends hold and turnout increases, as experts predict, roughly 80 million mail ballots will flood… Continue Reading

As COVID-19 Tanks the Economy Eviction Moratoriums Expire

Pew Stateline: “It’s the beginning of the month, rent is due, the $600 in federal unemployment relief has lapsed and Congress seems far from agreeing on another coronavirus aid package. Meanwhile, the federal moratorium on evictions has ended, and similar mandates in many cities and states have expired or soon will. This week, as pressure… Continue Reading

Tips to Mitigate Threats to Our Votes and Voter Registrations Before November

Jennifer Cohn – Medium: 20 actionable tips for voting in0-person, by mail, down ballot voting, voting machine errors, voter protection hotline, volunteering to be a poll watcher, ballot auditing and transparency Be prepared with as many resources as are available to you to help ensure that your vote, and the votes of every member of… Continue Reading

Voters Rarely Switch Parties, but Recent Shifts Further Educational, Racial Divergence

“Neither party nets an overall advantage from the 9% of voters who have switched since 2018: Overwhelming majorities of both Republican and Democratic voters have retained their party affiliation over the past two years, a tumultuous period marked by a global pandemic, mass protests against racial injustice and a presidential impeachment. Since 2018, comparably small… Continue Reading

Trump’s radical lawsuit against Nevada’s vote-by-mail law, explained

Vox: “On Monday [August 3, 200), Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) signed legislation intended to ensure that voters in his state can still cast a ballot during the Covid-19 pandemic. Among other things, the new law (known as AB4) provides that registered Nevada voters will automatically receive a ballot in the mail, a common practice… Continue Reading

Disinformation campaigns are murky blends of truth, lies and sincere beliefs – lessons from the pandemic

The Conversation: “The COVID-19 pandemic has spawned an infodemic, a vast and complicated mix of information, misinformation and disinformation. In this environment, false narratives – the virus was “planned,” that it originated as a bioweapon, that COVID-19 symptoms are caused by 5G wireless communications technology – have spread like wildfire across social media and other… Continue Reading

Senators Push for Continued Telework, Contractor Leave in COVID-19 Relief Talks

Government Executive: “As lawmakers continue negotiations over the next round of coronavirus response legislation, senators are pushing congressional leadership to include additional provisions protecting federal employees and contractors. In a July 31 letter, a bipartisan group of 22 senators, led by Sens. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch… Continue Reading

Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery: Responsibilities, Authority, and Appointment

CRS report via LC – Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery: Responsibilities, Authority, and Appointment. April 13, 2020: “The Coronavirus Aid, Recovery, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was enacted on March 27, 2020(P.L. 116-136). The CARES Act provides over $2 trillion in relief to individuals; businesses; state, local, and tribal government; federal agencies; and industry… Continue Reading

Poll – Despite Mask Wars, Americans Support Aggressive Measures To Stop COVID-19

NPR – “With the national death toll from COVID-19 passing the grim 150,000 mark, an NPR/Ipsos poll finds broad support for a single, national strategy to address the pandemic and more aggressive measures to contain it. Two-thirds of respondents said they believe the U.S. is handling the pandemic worse than other countries, and most want… Continue Reading