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Category Archives: Congress

Urban League’s dire democracy warning

Axios: “The National Urban League’s 2022 “State of Black America” report warns of a systematic effort to “disenfranchise, delude, manipulate and intimidate American voters,” Axios’ Russell Contreras writes. “[T]here’s a plot to destroy American democracy,” National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial told reporters on a call ahead of today’s release of the annual… Continue Reading

U.S. Government Information: Stats/Data

“LibGuide – U.S. Government Information: Stats/Data Guide to information resources by and about the federal government – The Library – UC San Diego – Please note that resources tagged with a blue lock symbol are available remotely only to UC San Diego affiliates. Anyone may access these resources using library computers, though. Search By: Directories… Continue Reading

Obama: I Underestimated the Threat of Disinformation

“Atlantic editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg in conversation with Barack Obama about the social web, Ukraine, and the future of democracy. When they last sat down for an interview, in November 2020, Barack Obama told Atlantic editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg that disinformation is “the single biggest threat to our democracy.” The threat was not… Continue Reading

A Code of Conduct for the Supreme Court? Legal Questions and Considerations

CRS Legal Sidebar: A Code of Conduct for the Supreme Court? Legal Questions and Considerations Updated April 6, 2022:  “The Code of Conduct for United States Judges (the Code) is a set of ethical canons that the Judicial Conference of the United States (Judicial Conference) has adopted to promote public confidence in the integrity, independence,… Continue Reading

Inside Pence-world’s preparation for a Jan. 6 legal showdown

Politico: “As forces loyal to Donald Trump began calling on Mike Pence to single-handedly stop Joe Biden from becoming president, the then-vice president dashed off a request in late 2020 to his top lawyer: Just how much power did he actually have over certifying electoral votes? His counsel, Greg Jacob, replied the next day with… Continue Reading

Elections Guide for Investigative Reporters: Introduction

Global Investigative Journalism Network: Editor’s Note: This is the introductory chapter of a new, five-part GIJN guide to investigating elections that will be serialized over the coming month. Look for the second installment, “Chapter 1: New Election-Digging Tools,” next week. Elections around the world face increasingly common threats, including disinformation campaigns, foreign interference, voter suppression, rising… Continue Reading

Federal judge: President Trump likely violated two criminal statutes in connection w/Jan 6.

@RepLizCheney “Federal judge: President Trump likely violated two criminal statutes in connection w/Jan 6. If “President Trump’s plan had worked, it would have permanently ended the peaceful transition of power, undermining American democracy and the Constitution.” If  “President Trump’s plan had worked, it would have permanently ended the peaceful transition of power, undermining American democracy… Continue Reading

Reflections on Teaching Constitutional Law in the Midst of Constitutional Crisis

Kammer, Sean, Reflections on Teaching Constitutional Law in the Midst of Constitutional Crisis (September 13, 2021). South Dakota Law Review, Vol. 67, No. 2, 2022, Available at SSRN: “The events of Jan. 6, 2021 at the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. brought the U.S. Constitution to the forefront of the minds of citizens across… Continue Reading

Hypersonic Weapons: Background and Issues for Congress

CRS Report – Hypersonic Weapons: Background and Issues for Congress Updated March 17, 2022: “The United States has actively pursued the development of hypersonic weapons—maneuvering weapons that fly at speeds of at least Mach 5—as a part of its conventional prompt global strike program since the early 2000s. In recent years, the United States has… Continue Reading

Two Expert Librarians and a webinar – US and international elections

“Join GODORT’s Help! and PPIRS Professional Development webinar series for a joint session on U.S. and international elections. Two experts in the political science and government documents community will provide search strategies and resources for conducting research on domestic and international elections, including finding raw and aggregated data. Catherine Morse of the University of Michigan… Continue Reading

U.S. Senators Introduce SMART Copyright Act to Combat Piracy

TorrentFreak: “U.S. Senators Thom Tillis and Patrick Leahy have introduced the SMART Copyright Act of 2022. The bill requires online hosting services to implement standard technical protection measures, designated by the Copyright Office. Rightsholders see the proposal as a great step forward to protect creators, while opponents classify it as a filtering tool that will… Continue Reading

Lexis – Federal Legislative History Research Guide

Federal Legislative History Research on the Lexis+ and Lexis Services: “The purpose of this toolkit is to help you, the researcher, be more efficient and effective when conducting federal legislative history research on the Lexis+ or Lexis service.We provide tips and suggestions on how to approach this research, knowing that you will choose what works… Continue Reading