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Category Archives: Congress

Inversions in US Presidential Elections: 1836-2016

Inversions in US Presidential Elections: 1836-2016 – Michael Geruso, Dean Spears, Ishaana Talesara – NBER Working Paper No. 26247. Issued in September 2019. “Inversions—in which the popular vote winner loses the election—have occurred in 4 US Presidential elections. We show that rather than being statistical flukes, inversions have been ex ante likely since the 1800s.… Continue Reading

Party Leaders in the United States Congress, 1789-2019 – Party Leaders in the United States Congress, 1789-2019, September 4, 2019 – “This report briefly describes current responsibilities and selection mechanisms for 15 House and Senate party leadership posts and provides tables with historical data, including service dates, party affiliation, and other information for each. Tables have been updated as of the report’s… Continue Reading

When It Comes to Voting, You Can’t Phone It In

Bloomberg – It might be more convenient to cast your ballot in a mobile app, but our democracy would lose something. “A lot of people are excited about recent research suggesting that mobile voting would mean more voters casting ballots. No doubt the premise is correct. If you lower the cost of an activity, you get more… Continue Reading

Disinformation and the 2020 Election: How Social Media Industry Should Prepare

NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights – The role of social media in a democracy. “In our fourth report on online disinformation, the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights explores risks to democracy and free speech posed by the expected spread of disinformation during the 2020 U.S. presidential election. The report… Continue Reading

Republican senators just sent the US Supreme Court a strange letter

Quartz: “US senators are weighing in on a gun-rights case under review in the Supreme Court. Democrats filed an amicus brief that caused an uproar earlier this month and Republicans responded in a letter to the court this week. The missive, sent by Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, reminds the justices that the judiciary is… Continue Reading

Facebook revises policies to clarify who buys political ads

UPI – “Facebook said [August 28, 2019] it’s changing company policies to add transparency and clarify exactly who pays for political advertisements that appear on its social platform. The company said it wants to avoid a repeat of the 2016 election, in which Russian actors spread disinformation and encouraged divisiveness online through targeted ads. “People… Continue Reading

The Emoluments Clauses of the US Constitution – updated CRS report

CRS Report updated August 23, 2019 – The Emoluments Clauses of the U.S. Constitution – “Recent litigation involving President Trump has raised a number of legal issues concerning formerly obscure constitutional provisions that prohibit the acceptance or receipt of “emoluments” in certain circumstances. This In Focus provides an overview of these constitutional provisions, highlighting several… Continue Reading

Just Security Launches the Russia Investigation Congressional Clearinghouse

“Today we launch the Russia Investigation Congressional Clearinghouse – a resource tool that seeks to provide, in one place, all congressional investigations materials related to Russia’s efforts to interfere in U.S. elections. We trust it will be a great resource for journalists, academics, and the broader Just Security readership. Bookmark the clearinghouse page to find… Continue Reading

CRS Report to Congress on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems

The following is the August 16, 2019 Congressional Research Service In Focus report – International Discussions Concerning Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems. “As technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), advances, lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS)—weapons designed to make decisions about using lethal force without manual human control—may soon make their appearance, raising a number of potential ethical,… Continue Reading

Modernization of Secrecy System is Stalled

Secrecy News: “Today’s national security classification system “relies on antiquated policies from another era that undercut its effectiveness today,” the Information Security Oversight Office told the President in a report released yesterday. Modernizing the system is a “government-wide imperative,” the new ISOO annual report said. But that is a familiar refrain by now. It is much the… Continue Reading