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Category Archives: Censorship

Circumventing Internet Censorship

Designing a protocol to circumvent Internet censorship: “Peacefire has released a new set of instructions for circumventing Internet censorship. These instructions can be used to get around Internet blocking in China, for example, by having a friend outside China follow the instructions to set up a mini-Web-site that users in China can then connect to,… Continue Reading

DVD Code Copying Decision from CA Supreme Court

Today, the California Supreme Court issued a decision (53 pages, pfd) in DVD Copy Control Inc. v. Andrew Bunner, resolving “the apparent conflict between California’s trade secret law and the free speech clauses of the United States and California Constitutions.” Thanks to Jim Tyre for the heads-up. For reference, see this EFF press release: “The… Continue Reading

Report: The Internet Under Surveillance

The Internet under Surveillance, Obstacles to the free flow of information online, by Vinton G. Cerf (151 pages, pdf) “In this 21st century information age, Internauts have significant responsibilities. They must guard against abusive censorship and counteract misinformation. They must take responsibility for thoughtful use of the Internet and the World Wide Web and all… Continue Reading

CIPA, Net Filtering and the Supreme Court

From Seth Finkelstein’s Infothought blog, this informative posting on Internet software filtering company N2H2’s current 10Q filing which includes the following language: “Free speech and privacy concerns could adversely affect the demand for our Internet filtering solutions.” On a related issue, see my April 10 posting: U.S. District Judge Richard G. Stearns (MA) dismissed a… Continue Reading