“Unintended Risks and Consequences of Circumvention Technologies: The U.S. International Broadcasting Bureau’s (IBB) Anonymizer Service in Iran,” April 28, 2004. [Link] See also this related CNet article by Declan McCullagh. Continue Reading
“Unintended Risks and Consequences of Circumvention Technologies: The U.S. International Broadcasting Bureau’s (IBB) Anonymizer Service in Iran,” April 28, 2004. [Link] See also this related CNet article by Declan McCullagh. Continue Reading
“The OpenNet Initiative is a University-based policy research project documenting filtering and surveillance practices worldwide. Our aim is to excavate, expose and analyze these practices in a credible and non-partisan fashion to uncover the potential pitfalls of present policies to explore the possibility of unintended and unexpected consequences and thus to help inform better public… Continue Reading
The BBC News reported that access to news on issues relevant to readers on a global scale can be significantly expanded, according to Cambridge University Professor Ross Anderson, through the use “of peer-to-peer networks…to make censorship difficult, if not impossible…” Continue Reading
HHS Secretary Thompson Calls for Investigation Into Whether Medicare Actuary Was Pressured To Withhold Estimates. From the New York Times: Inquiry Ordered on Medicare Official’s Charge Mysterious Fax Adds to Intrigue Over the Medicare Bill’s Cost The Actuary and the Actor: “Actors were hired by the Department of Health and Human Services to pose as… Continue Reading
This Washington Post (reg. req’d) article reviews today’s arguments in Ashcroft v. ACLU, No. 03-218. Child Online Protection Act (original statute); amended statute. Brief for Petitioner Brief for Respondents Continue Reading
From the Sunday New York Times, this report states: “The Bush administration says it improperly altered a report (from the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research) documenting large racial and ethnic disparities in health care, but it will soon publish the full, unexpurgated document. “There was a mistake made,” Tommy G. Thompson, the secretary… Continue Reading
The link to this article from CQ’s Homeland Security subscriber publication, titled TSA Asks Media to Expunge Public Testimony on Airport Security Problems comes via Secrecy News. It states that TSA requested the removal of two pages of unclassified hearing testimony, presented last November, from the online archives of Federal Document Clearing House (FDCH), a… Continue Reading
From the Center on Democracy and Technology: “On Tuesday, January 6, CDT and the ACLU begin presenting evidence in federal court in Philadelphia in their challenge to a Pennsylvania law that has resulted in the blocking of hundreds of thousands of legitimate websites. The hearing is expected to run for several days. Extensive briefs filed… Continue Reading
“A new Florida State University Institute on Information study has found that only about half of the libraries surveyed have filters on even one computer.” [Link] Continue Reading
Implementation Issues Surrounding the Children’s Internet Protection Act, August 29, 2003. Continue Reading
As noted by OMB Watch, on August 29, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), an agency within the Office of Management and Budget, (OMB) released a draft bulletin “proposing a standardized process by which all significant regulatory documents (of the most important science disseminated by the federal government) will be subject to peer… Continue Reading
Designing a protocol to circumvent Internet censorship: “Peacefire has released a new set of instructions for circumventing Internet censorship. These instructions can be used to get around Internet blocking in China, for example, by having a friend outside China follow the instructions to set up a mini-Web-site that users in China can then connect to,… Continue Reading