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Category Archives: Censorship

Effort to Block Media Coverage of Katrina Victim Recovery Efforts Fails

Following up on reports this past week that FEMA would block journalists from publishing photos of Katrina victims , news tonight from CNN that a temporary restraining order issued by Judge Keith P. Ellison (Southern District of Texas) has prompted the government to withdraw its “zero access policy”. Search broadens for bodies in New Orleans Continue Reading

Substantial Increase in Classification of Gov’t Docs Raises Concerns For Public and Media

As a follow-up to my April 2, 2005 posting, Significant Rise in Classification of Gov’t Docs Focus of New Reports, this July 3, 2005 New York Times article, Increase in the Number of Documents Classified by the Government, reports on growing concerns within the government, by advocacy groups and the media, about the rapid rise… Continue Reading

Report Documents Internet Censorship in RI Public Libraries

Reader’s Block: Internet Censorship in Rhode Island Public Libraries, A Report prepared by the Rhode Island Affiliate, American Civil Liberties Union, April 2005. “For eight years, the ACLU in Rhode Island has been studying public library response in the state to the introduction of the Internet as an information tool. On one level, it is… Continue Reading

New on – What is the Appropriate Role of Libraries?

Are Libraries Places to Learn or Engage in Illegality? by Raizel Liebler. “The United States Supreme Court has had three major cases in its history, Brown, Pico, and American Library Association, addressing the appropriate role of libraries and the activities allowed within library premises. The scope of the cases ranges from whether libraries are the… Continue Reading

Review of State Sponsored Policies and Technologies Used to Filter Internet Access

A Starting Point: Legal Implications of Internet Filtering (PDF 16 pages) “In this paper, the Open Net Initiative (ONI) considers some of the legal implications of controlling access to Internet content through filtering. ONI — a research partnership of the Berkman Center, University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, and the University of Cambridge — documents Internet… Continue Reading

Regulating Internet Content

Internet Points of Control, by Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard Law School, Public Law Working Paper No. 54 , Boston College Law Review, Forthcoming [Link to abstract] “Early efforts to control the Internet have targeted the endpoints of the network – the sources and recipients of objectionable material – and to some extent the intermediaries who host… Continue Reading

Pennsylvania Website Blocking Law Struck Down By Federal Court

From the Center for Democracy and Technology: “A Pennsylvania federal court today struck down a state Internet censorship law as a violation of the First Amendment. CDT had challenged the law because it had resulted in the blocking of more than a million innocent web sites.” Memorandum Decision in Pennsylvania Internet Blocking Law Case (11… Continue Reading