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Category Archives: Censorship

Website Tracks Censorship in Search Results

“Welcome to CenSEARCHip! This is a tool developed by Mark Meiss and Filippo Menczer at the Indiana University School of Informatics in March of 2006 to allow you to explore the differences in the results returned by different countries’ versions of the major search engines. We currently work with the Web search and image search… Continue Reading

The Internet in China: A Tool for Freedom or Suppression?

House of Representatives Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations, February 15, 2006 Hearing, The Internet in China: A Tool for Freedom or Suppression? Links to statements and testimony below are in PDF: The Honorable Christopher H. Smith, The Honorable James A. Leach, Mr. James Keith, The Honorable David… Continue Reading

Objectivity of CRS Reports on Domestic Surveillance Issues Challenged

There have been several recent congressional communications and related articles addressing whether or not authors of CRS reports on issues pertaining to domestic surveillance have demonstrated bias in their research. Links to relevant documents are in chronological order, as follows: Letter from Congressman Peter Hoekstra, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, to… Continue Reading

Yahoo Issues Statement on Chinese Net Censorship

Following-up on recent postings, Net Censorship Abroad – Free Speech Colides With E-commerce? and Hearing Focuses on Internet Censorship in China, see today’s press release: “Yahoo!: Our Beliefs as a Global Internet Company – As a leading provider of Internet-based services, Yahoo! is committed to open access to information and communication on a global basis.… Continue Reading

Gov’t Censorship of Global Warming Data Includes NASA and NOAA

Follow-up to postings on government censorship of dissemination of scientific data, this February 11, 2006 article from the Washington Post – Censorship Is Alleged at NOAA Scientists Afraid to Speak Out, NASA Climate Expert Reports: “James E. Hansen, the NASA climate scientist who sparked an uproar last month by accusing the Bush administration of keeping… Continue Reading

Net Censorship Abroad – Free Speech Colides With E-commerce?

Follow-up to February 2, 2006 posting, Hearing Focuses on Internet Censorship in China, this WSJ free feature today: Internet Censorship – Web Firms Face Grilling on China. Related news: New York Times, So Long, Dalai Lama: Google Adapts to China – “Google’s local staff works closely with Chinese officials to ensure that search results from… Continue Reading

Misinformation Issues At NASA Result in Resignation Amidst Continued Controversy

Follow-up to Gov’t Climate Change Expert Contends Censorship of Data and NASA Chief Calls for “Scientific Openness” Amidst Claims of Gov’t Secrecy, today this report from the New York Times on the resignation of a presidential appointee at NASA responsible for ordering revisions of data available to the public on the agency website. Continue Reading

Hearing Focuses on Internet Censorship in China

Congressional Human Rights Caucus Members’ Briefing: Human Rights and the Internet – The People’s Republic of China, Wednesday, February 1, 2006: “China has one of the most sophisticated content-filtering Internet regimes in the world. The Chinese government employs sophisticated methods to limit content online, including a combination of legal regulation, surveillance, and punishment to promote… Continue Reading

Sen. Boxer Calls For Hearings on Censorship of Gov’t Scientists

Follow-up to January 29, 2006 posting, Gov’t Climate Change Expert Contends Censorship of Data – today Sen. Barbara Boxer issued a press release that included the text of her letters to ranking members of two Senate committees stating, “It has come to my attention that the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Dr.… Continue Reading