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Category Archives: Censorship

Commentary on Librarians' Preserving Public Access to Information

The Nation: Librarians at the Gates, by Joseph Huff-Hannon [posted online on August 22, 2006]: “The day-to-day challenges librarians face are inherent in the job description: defending access to controversial or banned books, staving off budget cuts, and creating and expanding programs to draw more citizens into one of the few remaining genuinely public commons… Continue Reading

President of Iran Launches Blog Concurrent With Blocking Websites and Blogs

As reported by Reuter’s [via this link], Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a blog on this website, which English speaking users may read by clicking the second icon located under the photo of the president, located on the far right hand side of the home page. See also this related AP article, Iranian censors… Continue Reading

Human Rights Watch Report on Chinese Internet Censorship

Press release: “In the 149-page report, “Race to the Bottom: Corporate Complicity in Chinese Internet Censorship, Human Rights Watch documents how extensive corporate and private sector cooperation – including by some of the world’s major Internet companies – enables…China’s system of Internet censorship and surveillance.” Race to the Bottom: Corporate Complicity in Chinese Internet Censorship… Continue Reading

Opposition to Mandatory Government Warning Labels on Web Content

“CDT today urged lawmakers to reject legislation that would force Internet speakers to place government-sanctioned warning labels on a broad range of online content. “Mandatory labeling of legal online content under threat of criminal sanction is ineffective, unwise, and unconstitutional,” CDT wrote in a pair of letters sent to the leaders of the Senate Commerce… Continue Reading

House Passes Bill Requiring Mandatory Net Filtering By Libraries

H.R.5319 – To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to require recipients of universal service support for schools and libraries to protect minors from commercial social networking websites and chat rooms. CDT: “The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would force schools and libraries to block chat and social networking sites as a… Continue Reading

Amnesty International Releases Report on Search Engine Censorship in China

Press release: “Amnesty International (AI) today released a new report, “Undermining Freedom of Expression in China,” (32 pages, PDF) exposing how Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google have violated their stated corporate values and policies in pursuit of the potentially lucrative Chinese market. In sync with the report release, the organization unveiled, a new campaign for… Continue Reading

Corporate Internet Filtering Polices May Impede Work Product

Reports on monitoring of employee website usage are not uncommon, but today’s New York Times article highlights how blocking specific sites can impede work product. This can certainly be the case not only in the newsroom but in law firms and other corporate environments where competitive intelligence monitoring has become increasingly important. Continue Reading

Amnesty International Launches Campaign Against Net Censorship

“ will harnass the power of the internet to mobilise people all over the world to take a stand against repression.” [Link] “…Chat rooms monitored. Blogs deleted. Websites blocked. Search engines restricted. People imprisoned for simply posting and sharing information. The Internet is a new frontier in the struggle for human rights. Governments – with… Continue Reading

Journalists’ Report Identifies 10 Most Censored Countries

Special Report 2006: “North Koreans live in the most censored country in the world, a new analysis by the Committee to Protect Journalists has found. The world’s deepest information void, communist North Korea has no independent journalists, and all radio and television receivers sold in the country are locked to government-specified frequencies. Burma, Turkmenistan, Equatorial… Continue Reading

Website Tracks Censorship in Search Results

“Welcome to CenSEARCHip! This is a tool developed by Mark Meiss and Filippo Menczer at the Indiana University School of Informatics in March of 2006 to allow you to explore the differences in the results returned by different countries’ versions of the major search engines. We currently work with the Web search and image search… Continue Reading