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Category Archives: Censorship

World Information Access 2008 Report

“The World Information Access 2008 Report presents important trends in the distribution of information and communication technologies around the world. The 2008 WIA Report explores information access by looking at trends in the blogger arrests worldwide, diversity in the ownership of media assets in the 15 largest media markets in the Muslim world, and the… Continue Reading

Control, Intimidation and Harassment of Lawyers in China

News release: “Chinese lawyers who take cases seen by the government as politically sensitive or potentially embarrassing face severe abuses ranging from harassment to disbarment and physical assaults, Human Rights Watch said in a new report released today…The 142-page report, Walking on Thin Ice: Control, Intimidation and Harassment of Lawyers in China, details consistent patterns… Continue Reading

New Book Examines Global State Sponsored Internet Filtering Practices

BBC News: How the open net closed its doors – “Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering challenges the long-standing assumption that the internet is an unfettered space where citizens from around the world can freely communicate and mobilise. In fact, the book makes it clear that the scope, scale and sophistication… Continue Reading

Pew Study: Most Chinese Say They Approve of Government Internet Control

News release: “Many Americans assume that China’s internet users are unhappy about their government’s control of the internet, but a new survey finds most Chinese say they approve of internet regulation, especially by the government.” Most Chinese Say They Approve of Government Internet Control, by Deborah Fallows, Senior Research Fellow, Pew Internet & American Life… Continue Reading

First Online Free Expression Day Launched on Reporters Without Borders Website

“Reporters Without Borders calls on Internet users to come and protest in virtual versions of countries that are Internet enemies…There are 15 countries in this year’s Reporters Without Borders list of “Internet Enemies” – Belarus, Burma, China, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. There were only… Continue Reading

China Prepares Internet Connectivity Exclusively For Olympic Attendees

The Connection Has Been Reset, by James Fallows. “In reality, what the Olympic-era visitors will be discovering is not the absence of China’s electronic control but its new refinement—and a special Potemkin-style unfettered access that will be set up just for them, and just for the length of their stay. According to engineers I have… Continue Reading

Report Describes Systematic White House Effort to Manipulate Climate Change Science

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee: “For the past 16 months, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has been investigating allegations of political interference with government climate change science under the Bush Administration. During the course of this investigation, the Committee obtained over 27,000 pages of documents from the White House Council on Environmental… Continue Reading

Climate Science Watch Posts Draft CDC Testimony Edited Prior to Delivery

Government Accountability Project (GAP): “The White House is coming under fire for “watering down” Senate testimony from the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention delivered yesterday regarding the impact climate change is having on public health. Climate Science Watch, a GAP program focused on holding public officials accountable for the ways climate… Continue Reading

New First Amendment Center Report – The FCC's Regulation of Indecency

Press release: “A new First Report from the First Amendment Center examines the Federal Communications Commission’s efforts to regulate indecency on the air. The FCC’s Regulation of Indecency (115 pages, PDF), by Lili Levi, a law professor at the University of Miami School of Law, analyzes crucial cases involving broadcasts of speech or images deemed… Continue Reading

New Australian Legislation Would Allow Police to Ban Internet Content

Press release: “Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA) today slammed a Bill introduced into the Senate which would give members of the Australian Federal Police powers to ban access to Internet content. The Communications Legislation Amendment (Crime or Terrorism Related Internet Content) Bill 2007 would, if enacted, give senior members of the Australian Federal Police powers to… Continue Reading