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Category Archives: Censorship

Google Transparency Report – Interactive map of Government Requests

Transparency Report: “Transparency is a core value at Google. As a company we feel it is our responsibility to ensure that we maximize transparency around the flow of information related to our tools and services. We believe that more information means more choice, more freedom and ultimately more power for the individual. We’ve created an… Continue Reading

Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security: Privacy and the Smart Grid

Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security: Vol. 2, Privacy and the Smart Grid. The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel – Cyber Security Working Group, August 2010 “The Smart Grid brings with it many new data collection, communication, and information sharing capabilities related to energy usage, and these technologies in turn introduce concerns about privacy. Privacy relates… Continue Reading

Google Announces Encrypted Search URL Has Changed

Follow up to Google Launches Encrypted Search in Beta, via the Official Google Enterprise Blog, the announcement that the company moved encrypted search from to “The site functions in the same way. However, if school network administrators decide to block encrypted searches on, the blocking will no longer affect Google authenticated services… Continue Reading

Reporters Without Borders: Forty predators of press freedom

News release [includes database with links to data on individual countries, regions, and rank] “There are 40 names on this year’s list of Predators of Press Freedom – 40 politicians, government officials, religious leaders, militias and criminal organisations that cannot stand the press, treat it as an enemy and directly attack journalists. They are powerful,… Continue Reading

Google Launches Government Requests Tool

Official Google Blog: “…it’s no surprise that Google, like other technology and telecommunications companies, regularly receives demands from government agencies to remove content from our services. Of course many of these requests are entirely legitimate, such as requests for the removal of child pornography. We also regularly receive requests from law enforcement agencies to hand… Continue Reading

CRS: U.S. Initiatives to Promote Global Internet Freedom: Issues, Policy, and Technology

U.S. Initiatives to Promote Global Internet Freedom: Issues, Policy, and Technology. April 5, 2010 Modern means of communications, led by the Internet, provide a relatively inexpensive, open, easy-entry means of sharing ideas, information, pictures, and text around the world. In a political and human rights context, in closed societies when the more established, formal news… Continue Reading

Political Considerations Another Facet of Google's Decision to Exit China

Follow up to Google Discontinues Censored Search in Mainland China and An Interview with David Drummond of Google about the company’s new policies in China, additional perspective as follows: New York Times, Google Searches for a Foreign Policy:”When Google announced last week that it would shut its censored online search service in China, it was… Continue Reading

Interview with Google's chief legal officer on China policy

Follow up to Google Discontinues Censored Search in Mainland China, via the Atlantic, An Interview with David Drummond of Google about the company’s new policies in China by James Fallows: “Since the Beijing Olympics, our experience in China has gotten worse. Although we have gained market share, it has become more and more difficult for… Continue Reading

Protectionism Online: Internet Censorship and International Trade Law

Protectionism Online: Internet Censorship and International Trade Law, ECIPE [European Centre for International Political Economy] Working Paper No. 12/2009, By Brian Hindley, Hosuk Lee-Makiyama “This paper suggests that many W TO member states are legally obliged to permit an unrestricted supply of cross- border Internet services. And as the option to selectively censor rather than… Continue Reading

"Tool uses crowdsourcing to gain insight into what users around the world are experiencing in terms of Web accessibility"

“Herdict is a project of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. Herdict is a portmanteau of ‘herd’ and ‘verdict’ and seeks to show the verdict of the users (the herd). Herdict Web seeks to gain insight into what users around the world are experiencing in terms of web accessibility; or in… Continue Reading

Report release: 2007 Circumvention Landscape Report: Methods, Uses, and Tools

2007 Circumvention Landscape Report: Methods, Uses, and Tools, March 2009 by Hal Roberts, Ethan Zuckerman, and John Palfrey “As the Internet has exploded over the past fifteen years, recently reaching over a billion users, dozens of national governments have tried to control the network by filtering out content objectionable to the countries for any of… Continue Reading

Article Evaluates Censorship of YouTube Around the World

Google’s gatekeepers, by Jeffrey Rosen, IHT: “For the past two years, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, along with other international Internet companies, have been meeting regularly with human rights and civil-liberties advocacy groups to agree on voluntary standards for resisting worldwide censorship requests. At the end of October, the Internet companies and the advocacy groups announced… Continue Reading