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Category Archives: Censorship

Will Government Science from agencies be deleted from public sites?

Motherboard – Researchers are preparing for Trump to Delete Government Science From the Web Written by Jason Koebler, December 13, 2016 – “When Donald Trump takes over the federal government on January 21, his administration will also gain complete control over much of the .gov suite of websites, which currently hosts a treasure trove of… Continue Reading

Bipartisan Electoral College Members Request Intelligence Briefing On Russia

Follow up to previous posting – Unreleased CIA assessment concludes Russia aided Trump – see this follow on – Open Letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper via Christine Pelosi (CA) “We are Electors who were selected by the voters of our states to represent them in the Electoral College on December 19, 2016.… Continue Reading

Testimony of Scott Amey about Burdens of Overclassification and Government Secrecy

Testimony of Scott Amey, General Counsel Project On Government Oversight (POGO) before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform “Examining the Costs of Overclassification on Transparency and Security” December 7, 2016. “…Thank you for inviting me to testify today about the state of the federal government’s classification system. I am Scott Amey, General Counsel… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Legal Tech Evangelist Calls for Engagement on Civil Liberties Post Election

Via – Legal Tech Evangelist Calls for Engagement on Civil Liberties Post Election. Nicole Black, a Rochester, New York attorney and Legal Technology Evangelist delivers a clarion call for colleagues to expand their engagement with groups that work for civil liberties in the United States. Continue Reading

Internet Archive requests donations for a backup to be housed in Canada

This posting today by the Internet Archive’s Brewster Kahle – Help Us Keep the Archive Free, Accessible, and Private, is significant for all of us who use this resource, be it as as educators, librarians, attorneys, advocates for civil liberties, students, or as citizens or residents of the United States.  Brewster states: “We are building… Continue Reading

Should the U.S. Relinquish Its Authority Over the Internet Domain Name System?

Should the U.S. Relinquish Its Authority Over the Internet Domain Name System?, CRS Insight via FAS, October 5, 2016. “On March 14, 2014, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) of the Department of Commerce announced the intention to transition its stewardship role and procedural authority over key Internet domain name functions to the global Internet multistakeholder… Continue Reading

Which countries still outlaw apostasy and blasphemy?

Pew Research Center – “Apostasy and blasphemy may seem to many like artifacts of history. But in dozens of countries around the world, laws against apostasy and blasphemy remain on the books and often are enforced…We counted and categorized these laws in 2014 as part of our research for a major report on restrictions on… Continue Reading

MSU McLellan Free Expression Online Library

“MSU Law’s First Amendment Law Clinic is the only clinical program in the country solely dedicated to the protection of student speech and press rights. Now, a $500,000 donation from leading Michigan attorney and MSU Law Trustee Richard D. McLellan will expand the clinic’s impact nationwide by creating a Free Expression Online Library and Resource… Continue Reading

USNews article – Google as global censor across all its brands

Robert Epstein, June 22, 2016: Google, Inc., isn’t just the world’s biggest purveyor of information; it is also the world’s biggest censor. “…But as the golden gateway to all knowledge, Google has rapidly become an essential in people’s lives – nearly as essential as air or water. We don’t let public utilities make arbitrary and… Continue Reading

Facebook Response to Chairman John Thune’s letter on Trending Topics

Colin Stretch, Facebook General Counsel – News Release: “Last week we met with Chairman of the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee John Thune to describe our investigation in response to anonymous allegations of political bias in our Trending Topics feature and to discuss the preliminary results of our work. Today, we sent Chairman Thune a follow… Continue Reading

The Guardian – How the Pentagon punished NSA whistleblowers

Mark Hertsgaard – The Guardian – “By now, almost everyone knows what Edward Snowden did. He leaked top-secret documents revealing that the National Security Agency was spying on hundreds of millions of people across the world, collecting the phone calls and emails of virtually everyone on Earth who used a mobile phone or the internet.… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Medicare, Military Readiness, Nuclear Security, DC, DOD Advertising, Human Rights in Egypt

Medicare: Claim Review Programs Could Be Improved with Additional Prepayment Reviews and Better Data, GAO-16-394: Published: Apr 13, 2016. Publicly Released: May 13, 2016. Military Readiness: DOD Needs to Incorporate Elements of a Strategic Management Planning Framework into Retrograde and Reset Guidance, GAO-16-414: Published: May 13, 2016. Publicly Released: May 13, 2016. Nuclear Security: Status… Continue Reading