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Category Archives: AI

Yes, That Viral LinkedIn Post You Read Was Probably AI-Generated

Wired: “AI-generated writing is now all over the internet. The introduction of automated prose can sometimes change a website’s character, like when once beloved publications get purchased and overhauled into AI content mills. Other times, however, it’s harder to argue that AI really changed anything. For example, look at LinkedIn. The Microsoft-owned social media site… Continue Reading

Two Hundred Million Bluesky posts scrapped by 2 different groups

Failla A, Rossetti G (2024) “I’m in the Bluesky Tonight”: Insights from a year worth of social data. PLoS ONE 19(11): e0310330. “Pollution of online social spaces caused by rampaging d/misinformation is a growing societal concern. However, recent decisions to reduce access to social media APIs are causing a shortage of publicly available, recent,… Continue Reading

The Law of Digital Resurrection

Haneman, Victoria J., The Law of Digital Resurrection  (July 17, 2024). __ B.C. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2025)., Available at SSRN: or The digital right to be dead has yet to be recognized as an important legal right. Artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and nanotechnology have progressed to the point that personal data can… Continue Reading

Which countries are leading in AI?

Which countries  are leading in AI? Global AI Vibrancy Tool – The Global AI Vibrancy Tool is an interactive visualization that facilitates cross-country comparisons of AI vibrancy across 36 countries, using 42 indicators organized into 8 pillars. It provides a transparent evaluation of each country’s AI standing based on user preferences, identifies key national indicators… Continue Reading

Act fast to snuff out employee curiosity over ‘free’ AI apps

CSO – “The word “free” has always tempted employees who are looking for an app or template to make their work easier. These days, combine “free” with “AI” and the lure is almost irresistible. Since the release of ChatGPT in late 2022, free AI-themed apps have exploded. Unfortunately, some are created by threat actors. One… Continue Reading

Brave Search adds AI chat for follow-up questions after your initial query

TechCrunch: “Brave announced on Thursday that it’s introducing an AI chat mode for follow-up questions based on initial queries on Brave Search. Earlier this year, the company launched “Answer with AI” summaries that appear above search results after you submit a query to give you an easy-to-read answer in response to a question. Now the… Continue Reading

Considerations for Effective Search Competition

Follow-up to previous posting – Judicial Remedies To Restore Competition in the Market for General Search – KGI Working Report, November 4, 2024. Considerations for Effective Search Competition. Alissa Cooper, Knight-Georgetown Institute; Jasper van den Boom, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; Zander Arnao, Knight-Georgetown Institute – “…This report emphasizes several foundational principles for crafting effective remedies in… Continue Reading