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Archives uncover forgotten names of Auschwitz inmates

Time of Israel: “Researchers find previously unknown identities of an estimated 4,000 prisoners and information about 26,000 others. Ninety percent of the notorious camp’s files were destroyed by its guards before they fled but a recently completed two-year collaboration with the Arolsen Archives in Germany is bringing new information to light. Ewa Bazan, an archivist at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, compares her work on newly accessible records to piecing together a “puzzle” that is revealing new names and stories of the Nazi death camp’s inmates. “We didn’t know what to expect when we started the project,” Bazan told AFP,  The patient, humble research carried out by Bazan and her colleagues has uncovered the previously unknown identities of an estimated 4,000 camp inmates as well as information about 26,000 others…”

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