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ABA Task Force on Law and Artificial Intelligence survey on AI and legal education

“The American Bar Association and the ABA Task Force on Law and Artificial Intelligence released the results of its AI and Legal Education Survey, a compilation of insights gathered from law school administrators and faculty regarding the integration of artificial intelligence into legal education. The survey was completed by 29 law school deans or faculty members between late December 2023 and mid-February 2024 and found that law schools are increasingly incorporating AI into their curricula. More than half of the law schools that responded to the survey (55%) reported that they offer classes dedicated to teaching students about AI. An overwhelming majority (83%) reported the availability of curricular opportunities, including clinics, where students can learn how to use AI tools effectively. The survey suggests that AI is already having a significant impact on legal education and is likely to result in additional changes in the years ahead. With a majority of responding law schools offering dedicated AI courses and providing opportunities for students to engage with AI tools, it is evident that legal education is evolving to meet the demands of a profession increasingly shaped by technological advancements…”


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