“The Bipartisan Policy Center’s (BPC) Financial Regulatory Reform Initiative today released three top ten lists highlighting key areas of progress made since the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act four years ago, along with 20 proposed action items for regulators and Congress to address the significant challenges that remain. These include:
- Top Ten Areas Where Dodd-Frank Made Progress
- Top Ten Solutions for Regulators to Improve Upon Dodd-Frank
- Top Ten Solutions for Congress to Improve Upon Dodd-Frank
Key recommendations for congressional action include raising the SIFI threshold for banks from $50 to $250 billion to focus on financial institutions that pose the greatest risks, creating new bankruptcy authority to help better deal with the “too-big-to-fail” problem and giving regulators the authority to tailor prudential standards for non-banks. BPC also called on regulators to create a consolidated bank examiner force, increase the transparency of FSOC activities to better inform decisions, and add new SIFI “bail-in” rules to make large financial institutions better able to absorb losses instead of taxpayers. BPC’s Financial Regulatory Reform Initiative has spent the last two years analyzing the implementation of the Dodd-Frank law, while assessing its impact on financial stability, economic growth, and consumer protection, which formed a benchmark for these bipartisan recommendations and assessments.”
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