Magic Quadrant for Operational Database Management Systems 21 October 2013 ID:G00251780. Analyst(s): Donald Feinberg, Merv Adrian, Nick Heudecker
“For this Magic Quadrant, we define operational DBMSs as systems that include support for new structures and data types, such as XML, text, audio, image and video content, in addition to traditional structures. They must include mechanisms to isolate workload requirements and control various parameters of end-user access within managed instances of the data. Cloud-only DBMSs are not included; nor are highly specialized engines such as graph or object databases, although the latter may perform some transactions to target small subsets of operational use cases. Products that “add a layer to” another product, and those that require or embed a complete or near-complete implementation of another commercially marketed product (such as Oracle MySQL) are not included. Finally, “streaming” engines, whose use cases are dominated by immediate event processing and are rarely, if ever, used for subsequent management of the data involved, are also excluded.”