“Five years ago, when LexBlog published it first State of the AmLaw 200 Blogosphere, the goal was simple: Shine a spotlight on firms that had selected the road less traveled and were using blogs to increase visibility online…Nearly four out every five of the top 200 law
firms in the world have blogs or lawyers blogging; Clients and potential clients look to blogs for information that shapes hiring decisions, according to multiple industry surveys; As we predicted, the correlation between blogging and revenue growth is becoming stronger. Clearly, firms with blogs are the norm, rather than the exception. Blogging is quickly becoming an expected part of any firm’s marketing arsenal. Those who do not use blogs are behind, it is that simple. To compile these numbers, the team at LexBlog scoured the Web for data that had been generated by and about the firms listed in the AmLaw 200. In particular, we combed the Websites and each of the blogs published by the AmLaw 200 firms. We then combed the Web for traces of those blogs to help determine the reach and footprint of each
firm’s blog presence.”