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The FBI Budget for Fiscal Year 2008

Congressional Testimony, Robert S. Mueller, III, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Statement Before the Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, April 26, 2007: “…The fiscal 2008 budget for the FBI totals 29,373 positions and $6.4 billion. The net fiscal 2008 program increases total 714 new positions (231 agents, 121 intelligence analysts, and 362 professional support) and $313.8 million. Our fiscal 2008 budget is focused on improving the FBI’s capabilities in addressing five key challenges: combating terrorism; preventing the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction; defeating foreign intelligence operations; reducing child exploitation and violent crimes; and strengthening infrastructure and information technology.”

  • See also Sharing Terrorism Information, Wayne M. Murphy, Assistant Director, Directorate of Intelligence, FBI, Before the House Homeland Security Committee, April 26, 2007: “Every marking that appears on any controlled unclassified information document in the future must have a clear and unambiguous meaning. There should be a website—accessible over the Internet to everybody—on which the approved markings are defined, and no markings should ever be used that are not defined on this website. This will mean that recipients of shared information who want to do the right thing will easily be able to find out what protective measures are expected of them. I believe that this change will both increase sharing and decrease the risks of sharing.”
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