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AI and Plagarism Detection Tools

Journalist’s Toolbox AI Mike Reilley – “I post this here as a warning. There are tools such as AI Undetect and Humanize AI Text, rewrite tools that offer an AI detection remover service. They can fool GPTZero, ZeroGPT, Copyleak, etc. There also have been isolated reports that the detection tools may have a bias against international students. Regardless, don’t solely rely on the detection tools when evaluating the work. Talk to the reporters and students, especially if it shows a lower percentage rate…What I recommend: Run the copy through all three free tools and if you get a high percentage of AI-generated writing in the analysis, then talk with the student or reporter about the story. Don’t be quick to punish. The author may have used AI to edit or write just a small portion of the story.  Also, I highly recommend subscribing to Craig Silverman’s Digital Investigations Substack Newsletter, which is full of fact-checking tools and techniques.”

See also  foundry10 – Navigating College Applications with AI. How High School Teachers and Students Use Tools Like ChatGPT. July 2024. White Paper.

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